Nearly 4,250 Apply to New Harvard Early Admission Program
Last week, The Choice published a chart with early admission application figures — most of them increases over last year — at 25 colleges. That chart has now grown to include nearly 40 schools.
上周纽约时报的The Choice 发表了一篇关于提前录取人数统计的文章数据显示大多数学校(占一半以上)申请人数都增加了。
Our updated tally includes Harvard College, which suspended early admission in 2007 and restored it only this year. The college said on Monday that 4,245 students filed single choice early action applications by its Nov. 1 deadline; under that program, students are prohibited from filing early applications with other private colleges in the United States. Those 4,245 applicants represent more than double the size of Harvard’s anticipated class of 2016, and they mark a 5.9 percent increase from four years ago, when early admission was last in effect at Harvard and 4,010 students chose to apply.
我们的申请人数统计是包括哈佛大学的,哈佛在2007年的时候暂停了提前申请的项目,在今年又重新恢复了。哈佛周一的时候宣称在截止到11月1日有4245人申请了SCEA(single choice early action)项目(原则上只能报一所,学生不能再报其他的私立学校,但是录取后不一定去。)。4245人已经大大超过了哈佛将要接受的新生数量。与四年前相比,提前申请的学生数量增加了百分之5.9.
Yale University has also reported that it received 4,310 early applications for admission, an 18 percent decrease from last year’s figure, perhaps influenced by the reinstatement of early admissions at Harvard and Princeton University this fall.