1.沙巴体育官网:政治学(U.S. Politics and Policy Processes): Political communication and mass behavior, political institutions and organizations, political economy and public policy, law and politics.
2.比较政治学(Comparative Politics and Comparative Political Economy):Advanced capitalist democracies, development, democratization, political institutions, race and ethnicity, regional and cross-regional studies and politics
3.国际政治学(International Relations):foreign policy, international organization, international political economy, international relations theory, world systems.
4.政治学方法论(Methods): Probability and statistics, linear models, advanced econometrics, game theory, social choice.
5.政治学理论(Political Theory): History of political thought, contemporary political thought, normative theory, new democratic theory, feminist theory, continental thought, ancient political thought, culture and politics,Political philosophy and so on.