专业新沙巴体育投注 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院奖学金制度
1.School of Law scholarships 法学院奖学金
LLM 15000英镑每年(12名)
MSc Law and Finance 5333英镑每年(4名)
LLM Law and Economics 8000英镑每年(3名)
2.School of Economics and Finance scholarships 经济与金融学院奖学金
MSc Economics 5000英镑每年(5名)
MSc Finance and Econometrics 5000英镑每年(5名)
MSc Banking and Finance 5000英镑每年(5名)
MSc Investment and Finance 5000英镑每年(4名)
MSc Banking 5000英镑每年(4名)
MSc Business Finance 5000英镑每年(4名)
MSc Finance 5000英镑每年(4名)
3.International Science and Engineering Excellence Awards 国际科学与工程类优秀学生奖学金
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering and Materials Science,School of Biological and Chemical Sciences,School of Physics and Astronomy所有课程(除开Dental Materials)均可以享受1500-4000英镑每年(无名额限制)。
4.School of Mathematical Sciences scholarships 数学科学学院奖学金
MSc Mathematical Finance 10000英镑每年(5名)
5.Canon Collins Scholarship 佳能柯林斯奖学金
MSc International Primary Health Care 10300英镑每年(名额待定)
MSc Global Public Health 10300英镑每年(名额待定)
MSc Health Systems and Global Policy 10300英镑每年(名额待定)
1.International Science and Engineering Excellence Award 国际科学与工程类优秀学生奖学金
2.School of Law Bursaries法学院奖学金