沙巴体育官网:留学药剂学专业PS范文。药学专业有广阔的就业前景,因此是很热门的专业,竞争很激烈。药学专业,不仅在沙巴体育官网:的就业市场很好,在国内的就业前景也很不错,读药学专业的学生,可以在药品公司、制药厂、医院等机构工作,而且薪水都很不错,以药剂师为例,根据2006年的官方统计,从业人数为230,000人,61%的药剂师在社区药房(例如超市或者独立的药店)工作。截至2004年5月的统计,平均收入$84,900。从2004年开始,沙巴体育官网:所有大学的药学院取消招收学士项目学生,所有沙巴体育官网:大学的药剂学专业改为博士学位。在沙巴体育官网:药学专业,PHD与Pharm D较为普遍,有的学校甚至不开设MS学位。本文与大家一起分享的是沙巴体育官网:留学药剂学专业PS范文,具体详见下文。
I have always had a great interest in Science and Mathematics because of the impacts that both of these have on our daily lives. I have become fascinated by Pharmacy as a career because it brings together Chemistry and Maths and directly effects on the lives of people in the community. Pharmacists are now more actively involved with the patients and have become more accessible to the community and I am looking forward to the challenge of career that involves life long learning.
I have learnt valuable skills in the subjects I have taken which will be beneficial to a career in Pharmacy.
In Chemistry, I have learnt an important skill in producing written and illustrated results from experiments. From this I am able to evaluate and modify these results. I enjoy the application of logical scientific thinking and knowledge of natural laws toanalyse and solve problems occurring in Pharmacy. The practical side of Chemistry involving laboratory work was my main interest in this subject and would like to continue this work in helping others.
As a Pharmacist, you do require some skills in maths. With a knowledge of Mathematics I can analyse and solve problems and gained the skill of producing written and illustrated results for a mathematical problem. With Maths, I am able to calculate the accurate dosage of the drug which is required for the patient in relation to hospital pharmacy.
I can bring skills from Computing that can directly relate to a career in Pharmacy. A main skill developed is producing an analysis of a problem that can help in research work. Coursework in computing has enabled me to tackle complex subjects such as building a system via computer programming, I am confident this will be useful in a pharmacy degree.
I have pursued many activities that have given me experience in this field of study. I have encountered independent voluntary work for local Pharmacy branch located in Stretford. From this, I have learnt the insight of being a Community Pharmacist and dealing with prescriptions, which will prove valuable in the future.
I have advanced in my communication skills from part-time employment at Sport World International at Trafford Park. This has given me the opportunity to use my initiative and enabled me to interact with various kinds of situations with different people such as dealing with the consumer’s problems. This has helped me gain responsibility, which I know will be required in the career of Pharmacy.
With my studies aside, I have a passion for cricket and football. My favourite pastimes involves playing cricket and listening to music of all genres. My ongoing hobbies include squash, snooker, gym and travelling when and wherever possible. I enjoy going to the gym which help improves my self-esteem and motivates me in doing my work. Believing in yourself can help to establish your thoughts in a confident way.
At University, I would like to contribute to university life, as this will be a new experience and I will look forward to meeting new people. I am a reliable, determined and enthusiastic person who will relish the opportunity to study pharmacy if I am given the opportunity.