杜克大学(Duke University)创建于1838年,位于沙巴体育官网:北卡州杜兰市。下面是杜克大学物理学软凝聚态物质方向招生信息。
Patrick Charbonneau教授主要做soft condensed matter的统计力学模拟。常用的方法有Monte Carlo或molecular dynamics。课题组正在建设发展中,有较多的project。有统计力学和编程背景,或者有兴趣学习相关知识技能的同学可以和他联系。
Welcome to Prof. Patrick Charbonneau's Group Page
Prof. Charbonneau gave a presentation about " How Hard Is It To Form A Glass? " at UCSB on May 14 2010 . The video and the slides of the talk is online.
Kai Zhang and Patrick Charbonneau have just pulished the work about Monte Carlo simulation of the ANNNI model on recent PRL. .
Prof. Charbonneau is organizing a workshop at Max Planck Institute in May 31 - June 04, 2010: "Particulate Matter: Does Dimensionality Matter?".
Graduate students and postdocs interested in joining Prof. Charbonneau's lab are encouraged to contact with us.