出国留学网高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝, 暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否, 无论准备与否, 我们已走进高三, 走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。
1. 一个通晓事理的学生总是愿意听从老师们的忠告。(willing)
A sensible student is always willing to take / follow his teachers’ advice.
2. 和老年人比起来,年轻人似乎比较喜欢通俗歌曲而不喜欢古典音乐。(compare, prefer) Compared with old people, young people / the young seem to prefer pop songs to classical music.
3. 许多大学毕业生决心去西部工作,为穷乡僻壤的建设做出自己的贡献。(determine,
Many college graduates are determined to work in West China and to make contributions to the building of / building the remote and backward places.
4. 那些对孩子太宠爱的家长,经常不能察觉孩子的缺点。(be blind)
The parents who / that spoil their children too much are always blind to their children’s shortcomings.
5. 那位外籍教师经常提醒学生,英语写作需要长期的努力,不要临阵磨枪。(remind,
long-term, prepare)
The foreign teacher often reminds the students that English writing needs long-team effects and that they shouldn’t start to prepare at the last moment.
6. 由于平时重视口头训练,小李在口试中对答如流。(attention, hesitation)
Since Xiao Li pays attention to oral training at ordinary times, he answered questions without hesitation in the oral examination.
= Because Xiao Li pays attention to oral training in normal time, he answered questions without hesitation in the oral examination.
7. 尽管天气很寒冷,学生们还是在早上七点一刻准时做早操。(despite)
Despite the cold weather, the students still did morning exercises at exactly 7:15 a.m.
8. 英姿中学在艺术教育方面建立了很好的声誉。(reputation)
Yingzi High / Middle School has built up a good reputation in art education.
9. 磁悬浮列车的速度给老人们留下了深刻的影响。(magnetic suspension, train, make)
The speed of the magnetic suspension train made / left / had a deep impression on the old people.
10. 你看过这部好电影吗?它说的是真人真事。(which, base)
Have you seen the good film, which is based on a true story?
= Have you seen the good movie, which is a story of real people and real events?
11. 那本新出版的书图文并茂,因此受到读者的赞扬。(both, praise)
Both pictures and texts of the newly-published book are excellent, so it is praised by the readers.
12. 保持心理健康很重要,因为它会直接影响你的高中学习。(keep, affect)
To keep healthy psychologically is very important because it will directly affect your senior high school study.
13. 这个小男孩在课上总是心不在焉,更不要说他课后的学习效率了。(efficiency) The little boy is always absent-minded in class, not to say his study efficiency after class.
14. 每个人都碰到过至今都似乎不可能解决的问题。(come across)
Everybody has come across the kind of problem that seems impossible to solve so far.
15. 太多的眼神交流也会导致麻烦, 因为盯着其他人看被认为是粗鲁的。(stare) Too much eye contact can also lead to trouble, for staring at others is considered rude.
16. 报告用明确的数字显示了近10年的普通家庭的平均生活水平。(in …figures)
In the report, the average living standards of ordinary families in the past ten years are showed in plain figures.
17. 学生对学科是否感兴趣会使他的学习效果有所不同。(make a difference)
Whether a student is interested in a subject makes a difference to the effect of his learning.
18. 当她听到有人敲门时,她双手蒙起脸,尽力控制哭泣。(bury)
When she heard someone knock at the door, she buried her face in her hands, trying to control her weeping.
19. 使他窘迫的是,在我的同事面前他跟不上我的指示。(confusion; presence)
In his confusion, he couldn’t follow my instructions in the presence of my colleagues.
20. 警察尽一切可能让这个唯一的目击者回忆谋杀的细节。(recall)
The police tried everything they could to make the only witness recall the details of the murder.
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