新加坡素质级体制是为了鼓励各商业机构争取卓越的营业成绩而设立的。新加坡素质级体制与国际上许多杰出的国家商业体制旗鼓相当,如沙巴体育官网:的Malcolm Baldrige国家素质奖,欧洲的素质奖,日本的素质奖,以及澳大利亚的卓越商业奖等。新加坡素质级体制旨在鼓励各商业集团加强企业内部的管理系统,提高工作效率,以加强竞争能力。
a) 通过"绿色通道"申请学生准证,缩短申请时间,留学生也不需缴交保证金。
b) 获得新加坡国际企业发展局(协助主办海外考察团和促进商业投资方面)和新加坡旅游局(吸引国际学生方面)海外推广计划的支持。
1. AEC Edu Group Pte Ltd
2. AEC Resource Development Pte Ltd
3. Brighton Commercial Training Centre
4. AEC Business School Pte Ltd
5. At-sunrice (烹饪学院)
6. Auston Institute of Management & Technology
7. Bradford-Rex School of Hospitality and Management
8. Bradford-Rex School of Education & Technology
9. Cambridge Institute
10. Dimensions Commercial School Pte Ltd
11. Dimensions Language Centre (S) Pte Ltd
12. EASB Institute of Management Pte Ltd
13. ERC Institute Pte Ltd
14. FTMS Business School
15. FTMS School of Engineering & Computing Sciences
16. FTMS School of Professional Accounting & Finance
17. Hua Business School Pte Ltd
18. Hua Language Centre Pte Ltd
19. Informatics Computer School
20. Informatics Group Centre for Open Learning (IGCOL)
21. Kaplan-Asia Pacific Management Institute (S)
22. Kaplan FTC Training Centre
23. KLC School of Education
24. Lorna Whiston EAL School
25. Management Development Institute of Singapore
26. MMI Business School Pte Ltd
27. Modern Montessori Training Centre
28. Nanyang Institute of Management
29. PSB Academy Pte Ltd
30. Raffles Campus Pte Ltd
31. Raffles Campus Business School
32. Raffles Design Institute
33. Raffles Design Institute (Singapore)
34. REC College Pte Ltd
35. REC College Singapore
36. SGP International Management Academy (S) Pte Ltd
38. Shelton College International Private Limited
39. Singapore Accountancy Academy
40. Singapore Institute of Management
41. SSTC Education Centre
42. ST Education & Training Pte Ltd
43. St. Francis Methodist School
44. The British Council English Language Teaching Centre
45. The Stansfield Group Pte Ltd
46. SIC Education Group Pte Ltd
47. Singapore Institute of Commerce
48. St. James English School
49. Stansfield College
50. Thames Business School
51. Thames Language School
52. TMC Academy
53. TMC Academy for Advanced Education
54. Tourism Management Institute of Singapore
55. Washington Commercial and Language School
56. YMCA School