a. Agents and programme managers are encouraged to submit homestay applications 20 working days (4 weeks) or more in advance of arrival dates. 建议于出发日提前20个工作日申请homstay。
b. Agents and students will receive homestay placement details within 10 working days of the homestay application date, 【申请日之后的10个工作日内,学生和中介会收到具体的住宿安排信息】not the student’s departure date. Please note that placements are always subject to change when booked well in advance, as family circumstances can result in changes of homestays. When this happens, new homestay details will be sent within 5 working days of the initial placement cancellation. 需要注意住宿信息有时会因为突发情况导致住宿家庭变动,新家庭信息通常是在取消之后的5个工作日提供
c. Individual homestay applications will be accepted within a minimum of five working days’ of the student’s departure date from their home country. Applications accepted on the 5 day cut-off date will be processed within 4 working days of the application date. No individual homestay applications will be processed with less than 5 working days’ notice. 申请Homestay最低限度是于出发日提前5天申请,在收到申请之后的4个工作日之内处理,如果申请日期离出发日少于5天,Homestay申请将不被处理
a. Homestay students must pay their placement fee and one month (4 weeks) board before being placed in their homestay. After one month, students are free to leave their homestay.
b. b. Students completing the online application can choose to pay by credit card or by giving us permission to deduct the accommodation funds already transferred to Victoria University.
c. Homestay students wanting to leave their homestay family in less than a month can do so without giving notice, but forfeit the balance of their one month advance payment. Only in situations where urgent medical or family obligations necessitate leaving the homestay will a refund be provided.
d. Students who want to stay in their homestay after one month are encouraged to do so and must notify the homestay family by no later than the end of week three of staying with their homestay family.
e. Under-18 students must stay in their homestay until they turn 18. If they turn 18 in less than one month of being placed in their homestay, then point b (above) applies.
f. Homestay students will no longer be required to pay a bond. All property damage will be resolved by either the student paying the homestay family directly for the agreed-upon damage, or by the student using their insurance to pay for, or fix the agreed-upon damage. Academic holds will be made where students fail to pay for damaged property or pay outstanding debts (for example data usage). Students who fail to gain entry to EPP and who are redirected to the Campbell Institute will be required to pay a bond of $500 if they stay in a Victoria University homestay.
Homestay 不需要付任何定金。物品损失等将会由住宿家庭和学生协商决定,学生可以用保险支付或支付修理费用。如果学生不处理好和住宿家庭的物品损失等问题,学生在学术上也不能进入到下一个阶段学习(简言之,钱不付清,EPP不能进)。学生如果在campbell读语言,但是惠灵顿大学安排住宿家庭,就需要付500纽币定金
g. Homestay accommodation is prioritised for EPP, Foundation Studies and any other English language programmes offered by Victoria University. Students completing undergraduate or postgraduate qualifications should be encouraged to apply for Hall accommodation only.
EPP、预科或在惠灵顿大学就读其他语言课程的学生将会被优先安排。本硕申请人建议申请hall accommodation
h. Agents and students will no longer be asked about their preferences for children or pets, as most New Zealand families while have children and/or pets.
Agents and students cannot make race, age or gender specific requests for homestay parents or other family members. Victoria University uses only approved and vetted homestay families and these families may be of various ethnicities, cultures and genders.
j. Placements will account for dietary, medical, academic, and religious needs.
k. Agents and students accept that when applying for accommodation they may be placed with a family who live no more than 35 minutes away from the University. Where possible students will be placed as close as possible to their chosen campus. However the Accommodation Service does not guarantee this with every placement. The Service will not process requests from agents or students wanting to change the geographical location of their homestay family.
l. Failure to disclose information which places the student at risk and/or the homestay family at risk may result in the student being removed from the homestay.