1. Conceiving the unnecessary dichotomy of soccer/football.
Because why wouldn’t you call the sport that solely involves feet FOOTball????
handegg : American football. As opposed to football/soccer, where players actually kick a ball with their feet, american football involves players carrying an egg-shaped object in their hands.
2. And the general underappreciation of soccer/football.
Even though the U.S. qualifies in the FIFA World Cup almost every year.
3. Mandating their own unique measuring system that literally no one else in the world uses.
*OKOKOK two other countries (Burma and Liberia) also use the special metrication, but still, it makes conversion extremely annoying for the billions of people who were born and raised elsewhere.
4. Which makes everyday things like checking the weather that much more inconvenient.
To translate fahrenheit (used nowhere else) to celsius (used everywhere else), you multiply by 9, divide by 5, then add 32… or something.
5. Creating its own lexicon and insisting the rest of the world is spelling their words wrong.
No, red squigglies, YOU’RE WRONG.
6. Disguising watered down coffee by giving it a fancy name.
As if the name wasn’t telling enough: "AMERICA-NO" amirightamiright?
7. Over sweetening things that don’t need any sweetening at all.
8. Setting the legal drinking age at 21 years old…
9. …when 18-year-olds are lawfully allowed to buy handguns.
10. The cost of college tuition and constantly inflating the cost of college tuition.
"The cost of tuition and fees varies by college," says The College Board. AKA it could cost a hell of a lot more than this chart projects.
11. Overindulging and spoiling their pets like little humans.
12. Then treating their actual little humans like pets.
And the ongoing discourse around whether or not you should put your small human on a leash.