电影爱好者们可以赴沙巴体育官网:留学去圆梦了!纽约大学电影学院NYU TISCH位于沙巴体育官网:纽约格林威治村,有三栋主要建筑, 是世界各地艺术家的精神家园,纽约大学为沙巴体育官网:及各地留学沙巴体育官网:的电影人提供最完美的求学舞台, 由它创立的电影学派完美的融合了好莱坞的商业电影和欧洲的艺术电影。
从这里走出了好莱坞的导演之父马丁.思科西斯, 从这里走出了中国台湾的著名导演李安, 从这里走出了《哈里.波特》的导演克里斯.哥伦布,这里的录音师是格莱美奖的常客,这里充满了无限的艺术魅力。
一、申请截止日期: 早申请, Early Decision !, 11月1日; 正常申请Regular Decision, 1月1日
1、电影研究 Cinema Studies (Tisch School of the Arts)
2、戏剧 Drama, see Theater (Tisch School of the Arts)
3、Dramatic Literature, Theater History, and the Cinema (College of Arts and Science)
4、Dramatic Writing (Tisch School of the Arts)
5、Educational Theatre (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development)
6、电影和新媒体 Film and New Media (NYU Abu Dhabi)
7、影视 Film and Television (Tisch School of the Arts)
8、Integrated Digital Media (Polytechnic School of Engineering)
9、Photography and Imaging (Tisch School of the Arts)
10、制片 Producing (Tisch School of the Arts, minor only)
11、录音 Recorded Music (Tisch School of the Arts)
12、Studio Art (Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development)
13、Theatre (NYU Abu Dhabi; and Tisch School of the Arts, with specializations in acting, music theatre, directing, and production and design)
三、申请文件: http://filmtv.tisch.nyu.edu/object/ugfilmportfolio.html
第二部分: 300字以内阐述领导力和合作精神
第三部分: 讲述一个个人故事
第四部分: 提供创意作品, 电影,短片,绘画,摄影等各种形式都可以。
Part 1. A one-page resume that highlights creative work accomplished, activities and relevant employment. Your resume must also include: Your full name, home address, date of birth, the name of your high school and any extra curricular activities or work in your community. (Save as a pdf and upload to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com.)
Part 2. Leadership and Collaboration Anecdote - Leadership and collaboration are important ingredients for creating successful media projects. In three hundred words or less (no more than one page, double-spaced), describe an experience in which you exercised leadership and/or took part in a productive collaboration. We're interested in both your insights into these issues and your ability to tell an engaging short story. (Save as a pdf and upload to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com.)
Part 3. Personal Story - Describe an event in your life and how it changed you or someone close to you. This event can be dramatic and/or comedic, major or minor. The assignment should be written as a short story. Please do not write about why or what led you to pursue a degree in film and television production. Ultimately we are looking for evidence of your potential as a storyteller.
FORMAT: Up to four typed, double-spaced 8.5” x 11" pages.(Save as a PDF and upload to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com)
Part 4. Creative Submission - A creative submission that shows visual storytelling and imaginative of thought. Choose ONLY ONE of the following:
a. Film or video/ live action, fiction, experimental, documentary or animation. (Up to ten minutes total running time). Video footage of staged plays or theatre performances is not acceptable. Your submission should be a complete work which represents your best effort and one which engages your audience. Please be clear about your specific contributions to the video sample. Please test your video prior to submission. If you are submitting a link, please be sure no downloads or passwords are required. You may upload up to 125MB of video. If your video file is larger please provide a YouTube or Vimeo link on the media page within Slideroom.
b. A portfolio of drawings, paintings, sculpture or set design. Your submission should reflect clearly developed ideas and themes. You may upload up to 10 photographic or scanned images of your work. (Still images and scans uploaded to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com should be a minimum of 72 dpi).
c. A sequence of ten to fifteen still images on any subject which shows a story. These images can be drawings (in the form of a storyboard), still photos or created through montage. Your images should convey a clear and imaginative visual sense.(Still images and scans uploaded to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com should be a minimum of 72 dpi).
d. No more than six pages of creative writing consisting of either a complete short story, film script or stage play. FORMAT: 8.5 " x 11" pages typed double spaced or screenplay format where applicable. (Save as a pdf and upload to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com).