The open secret of higher education is that private colleges competing for students often slash prices for families wealthy enough to pay full tuition.
Some dangle “merit aid” to lure academic stars. Others use discounts to ensure that they enroll enough affluent students to meet their revenue targets.
Washington University in St. Louis provides grants unrelated to financial need or athletics to 14 percent of freshmen, a Washington Post analysis found. George Washington University gives them to 20 percent, and Tulane University to 37 percent. Those three are among dozens of prominent private schools that offer significant largesse to students without need.
But as prices climb past $60,000 a year at many private colleges, debate over student debt and subsidies for the affluent has led some schools to rethink how they dole out funds.
Franklin & Marshall College is a case in point. The liberal arts school here in Pennsylvania’s Amish region ended almost all merit aid a few years ago and expanded grants for those in need, launching a recruiting revolution that has drawn national attention.
The share of freshmen in high need?soared, while the share who pay full price shrank. Test scores of incoming students held steady. This year the school cracked the top 40 in the U.S. News & World Report ranking of liberal arts colleges, rising to 37th.
People here avoid the word “merit” and its connotation of subsidies for the affluent. Instead, F&M President Daniel R. Porterfield talks of a “talent strategy” targeting students from all family incomes. Full charge for tuition, fees, room and board at the school is $60,799. Need-based aid, he said, “makes it possible for super-qualified kids to pursue the education they’ve earned.”
在这里人们避开“优秀”这个词以及它代表的内涵。F&M的主席Daniel R. Porterfield谈起一种绝妙的策略就是定位出学生的家庭收入。全额学费,杂费,食宿费总共是60,799美元。他还说,基于需求的奖学金提供给资质优秀的学生追求高等教育的资本。
Financial aid, like selective admissions, baffles college-bound students. Fears abound of stratospheric sticker prices at private colleges. Real prices, often far lower, are maddeningly hard to pin down.
Students wonder why some schools offer merit aid and others don’t, why their “expected family contribution” varies from place to place, and why some schools require them to take out large loans and others don’t.