Applying to business school is never easy. There's the test-taking, the essay writing and the gathering of letters of recommendation. Then, of course, there's the long, anxiety-inducing wait for the final verdict.
Northern Arizona University had the highest acceptance rate of the 124 ranked schools that submitted data. It admitted 98 percent of students in fall 2014. That's a jump from the previous year, when the school admitted 89.4 percent of students.
Below is a list of the 10 business schools with the highest full-time acceptance rates in fall 2014. Unranked schools, which did not submit enough data to U.S. News to be ranked, were not considered for this report.
大学名字和录取率分别是:北亚利桑那大学 98%;杜鲁门州立大学85.3 %;杜肯大学 83.6%;肯塔基大学 83.3%;卡罗莱纳海岸大学 82%;加州大学 79.3%;德克萨斯圣托马斯大学 76.9%;北卡罗来纳大学 74.2%;田纳西州大学 73.8%;宾利大学 73.4%