Many business schools, even the most elite and well-ranked ones, welcome re-applicants. Reapplying to school shows you are very serious about your interest in the business school program. The best way to approach the reapplication process when you’re targeting the same schools is to highlight how you have improved your candidacy. Take a closer look at the following aspects of the MBA application package to determine where you should focus your energies to improve your odds next time around.
Decide How Many and Which Programs to Target ?
Do: Apply to at least four schools to maximize your chances of success. These programs should represent varying levels of competitiveness. Include your dream school in the mix. It may be a real reach, but go for it anyway and you’ll have no regrets later.
Don’t: Apply to too many schools – usually six or more – believing that hedging your bets in this way will guarantee admission somewhere. While that strategy sounds logical, in reality your efforts will become so diluted with each successive application that there just won’t be enough passion there to sway the admissions committee.
Tweak Letters of Recommendation
Unsuccessful applicants sometimes don’t realize that they were rejected ?because their letters of recommendation came across as weak endorsements at best.
Do: Make sure whomever you ask is willing to write a very compelling recommendation for you. Since it’s not a given that you’ll see the letter once it’s written, it’s perfectly OK to come right out and explicitly ask for what you need. Remind your recommenders to address specific examples of your accomplishments and leadership abilities, and to discuss your work ethic or team-building skills. Writing a strong endorsement requires some effort, so make it easy for your recommender by providing a list of the accomplishments you want to highlight.
Don’t: Choose a recommender for superficial reasons. I’ve seen too many applicants dinged for committing this mistake. Asking the president of a company, an alum of your dream school or any other bigwig won’t do you any good if they cannot speak intimately and enthusiastically about your many virtues
Rock Those Essays?
Sometimes applicants get hung up on writing the perfect essay, when in reality they should focus onwriting a compelling essay instead. MBA blogger Scott Duncan applied to five schools last year and was rejected by all of them. This year, he wrote, he let go of perfectionism and changed his strategy to deliver a simple, clear message and add color to his application where possible.
The new tactic worked, and he’s been accepted at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management, wait-listed? at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management?? and awaits news from Harvard Business School, where he recently interviewed.??
Do: Use the additional essay question to explain what’s changed in your situation to make you a stronger candidate this time around. Make sure to address both professional and personal advancements, but show that you are realistic and self-aware. Revealing your humanity in the form of quirks, weaknesses and flaws can often help the admissions committee to like you.
Don’t: Recycle essays from the first time around, and don’t use the same essay for multiple schools. At best, the byproduct of being all-inclusive is that you will sound generic. At worst, you might accidentally leave the wrong school name in the essay and be rejected out of hand for your lack of attention to detail.
有时申请者一心想要写出完美的文章,但实际上他们只要写出令人信服的文章就好了。工商管理学硕士研究生Scott Duncan去年申请了5所学校,但没有一所大学录取他。今年他改变了策略,用简单的但让人信服的文章取代了看似完美实则生硬的文章,结果他同时被麻省理工学院、西北大学克洛格管理学院录取了,并在等哈佛商学院的消息。