下面是2011年沙巴体育官网:大学排名,是由普林斯顿评论发布的。普林斯顿沙巴体育官网:大学排名中关于社区生活Town Life的调查结果,根据学生对所在社区或城市的评价Based on students' assessment of the surrounding city or town而总结的---拥有最佳社区Great College Towns的学校信息,供大家参考。
Based on students' assessment of the surrounding city or town
Rank School Name | Location
1.Columbia University
2.Barnard College | New York, NY
3. Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts
4.New York University | New York, NY
5.The George Washington University | Washington, DC
6.University of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA
7.The University of Texas at Austin
8. Emerson College | Boston, MA
9.American University | Washington, DC
10.Georgetown University | Washington, DC
11.Tulane University | New Orleans, LA
12.Stevens Institute of Technology | Hoboken, NJ
13.Northeastern University | Boston, MA
14.McGill University | Montreal, QC
15.College of Charleston | Charleston, SC
16.University of Colorado--Boulder
17. Boston University | Boston, MA
18. University of San Diego | San Diego, CA
19. DePaul University | Chicago, IL
20. The Cooper union ? for the Advancement of Science and Art