Dear **,
The deadline for choosing a graduate program is just days away, April 15th. Obviously, I hope you will choose to pursue your M.P.A. at the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs. At the same time, I realize that whatever program you decide upon should be a good match for your interests. Let me take this opportunity to answer a few questions you may still have about CIPA.
How flexible is the CIPA program? You will have a difficult time finding an M.P.A. program more flexible than ours. While the program provides a basic structure for study, you will be the primary designers of your educational and career trajectories while at Cornell. Because the degree is interdisciplinary, you can use faculty resources from across the university to create an individualized plan of study that focuses on your unique policy interests. You will have eight broad concentration options to choose from and boundless course choices.
Does CIPA provide an international component? I don’t believe that it’s an exaggeration to say that Cornell is one of the foremost institutions for studying international relations and, in particular, international development. The university’s interdisciplinary mix of top-rated programs in international development, international agriculture, government, and applied economics attract only the top scholars in each field. More than half of CIPA core faculty members are international relations and international development specialists, and CIPA Fellows routinely win coveted research and teaching assistantships with other leading international scholars at the university. Because of CIPA’s affiliation with the Cornell Business School and the Cornell Law School, you will have the opportunity to take advanced coursework in both of these schools on subjects as diverse as emerging markets, management consulting, international law, human rights law, and international risk management.
How do I develop professional contacts while living in Ithaca ? CIPA’s professional development program offers you the opportunity to meet with public policy practitioners through annual off-campus trips to Washington , D.C. and New York City . CIPA also sponsors on-campus recruitment events and informational sessions with leading policy practitioners. These allow you to develop a network of professional contacts for internships and permanent employment. The results are impressive. Ninety-seven percent of CIPA Fellows who sought an internship in 2011 were offered positions; many received multiple offers. Graduate employment statistics were equally significant; within nine months of graduation in 2011, 91% of Fellows had found employment or were enrolled in further graduate studies.
What is it like to live in Ithaca ? Ithaca is a friendly, progressive community with a lot to offer. Several years ago, The Utne Reader named it “the most enlightened city in America .” It is home to an extraordinary number of restaurants, cafés, and bookshops, as well as a lively independent film and theatre scene. Our city slogan is “ Ithaca is Gorges” because a major topographical feature are the several gorges left behind by glaciers, which make for beautiful waterfalls and great hiking. The university itself sits on a hill overlooking the largest of upstate New York ’s Finger Lakes— Cayuga Lake , considered one of the most beautiful in the world.
Does CIPA provide off-campus study options? Off-campus study is a popular component of the CIPA program. Each year, a large number of Fellows choose to pursue professional experience off-campus, while also taking a semester of courses for credit in Washington, D.C.; Rome, Italy; and Kathmandu, Nepal.
Is CIPA a good match for me? If you are intellectually curious, are passionate about public policy, and are ready to change the world, then CIPA is the place for you.
If you have questions that I haven’t answered, I encourage you to contact me,, or Jennifer Evangelista as soon as possible and we will direct you to the appropriate staff or faculty member who can best assist you.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards,
Judy Metzgar
Admission's Coordinator