Summary Table
The information in this section outlines the estimated cost of living for a student at the Parkville campus of the University of Melbourne, according to the type of accommodation chosen.The costs for students studying at other campuses of the University will be similar, though rental or residential college costs are likely to be lower. However, annual transport costs will generally be higher.Tuition fees and HECS payments are not included in estimates.
Type of Accommodation 食宿消费类别 | No. of Weeks周数 | Weekly Rent / Board Range ($)租房/食宿/周(美元) |
Estimated Total ($) Rent or Board and other expenses 租房、食宿与其它消费总计预算 |
Sharing Rented Premises (with 2 others) 合租费(与其他二人) |
Close to Parkville campus 帕克维尔校区旁边 |
52 |
190 - 230 |
22 000 - 28 800 |
Within 6 kilometres of Uni 6千米之内 |
52 |
155 -185 |
20 000 - 26 300 |
Rural area 郊区 |
52 |
80 - 100 |
15 600 - 20 700 |
Student Apartments 学生公寓 |
Two bedroom, shared 两个卧室,合住 |
52 |
215 - 260
23 400 - 30 500 |
One bedroom not shared 一个卧室,不合住 |
52 |
305 - 370 |
28 500 - 36 700 |
Hostel 旅社 |
One bedroom - shared bathroom/kitchen 一个卧室,共用卫生间和厨房 |
52 |
185 - 225 |
22 100 - 28 200 |
Residential Colleges (near or on campus) 寄宿学院 |
35 week stay 住35周 |
35 |
552 - 712* |
27 600 - 36 600 |
44 week stay 住44周 |
44 |
552 - 712* |
34 072 - 45 017 |
Homestay 走读 |
Living with a local family 与当地家庭住在一起 |
40 |
240 - 290* |
16 000 - 20 700 |
The above total annual living cost estimates include the following expenses:
Items 消费项 | Amount 数额(美元) |
Weekly Cost (other than Rent)每周消费(租房除外)
Food and Groceries Contribution饮食与生活用品 | $80-100 |
Bills (Electricity, Gas etc)**付账(电费、煤气费等) | $35-45 |
Telephone话费 | $10-15 |
Public Transport fares ***公交费 | $30 |
Spending Money零用钱 | $40-80 |
Annual Cost每年费用
General Course Costs总的课程费 | $500-750 **** |
Establishment Costs办公费用
Bond (usually 1 month’s rent) |
4.333 x weekly rent |
Telephone / utilities connections电话费/购买工具 | $150-200 |
General furniture items (Not including whitegoods)家具 | $450-800 |