What Makes Graduate Applications Successful?
Most graduate school applications will require you to submit record of your previous qualifications,English language test results, a covering letter and your CV.
"Dutch universities are highly selective," says Carla Fluhr, Director of Recruitment for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. "Students are selected based on their educational background, achievements and motivation."
大多数研究生院申请会要求你提交以前的学历、 英语语言测试的成绩、 求职信和简历。
"荷兰大学会严格进行筛选," Carla Fluhr,荷兰蒂尔堡大学商业管理与经济学院的招聘主任说,"我们会基于学生的教育背景、 成就和动机来进行挑选"。那么如何做才能让你的胜算更大呢?下面是出国留学网www.liuxue86.com为大家整理的能让你研究生申请胜算更大的做法,供大家参考。
Broad range of considerations
For an economics and business university like Bocconi, candidates often need to provide a dossier with external tests, such as the GMAT or an English language certificate. These take time to prepare and often have their own deadlines which need to be taken into consideration as well.
"Every single step of the admission process is equally important," says Cayetana Aranzadi, Associate Director of Admissions at Spain's IE Business School. "We value a balance between the application form, GMAT/GRE, IE's admissions test and the formal interview."
Aranzadi says IE also assesses potential for development: those inherent skills in each candidate that we want to develop during the program so s/he can become an excellent professional and IE ambassador.
"Our future representatives should be innovative, think out of the box, have international exposure, the ability to express their ideas, listen to others, be idea generators and have a social conscience to promote business in an ethical way."
经济学和商学学院像博科尼大学,申请人常常需要提供外部测试的档案,例如,GMAT 或英语语言证书。这些需要花时间准备,并且有自己的最后期限,应该加以考虑。
"入学过程的每一步都是同样重要,"西班牙 IE 商学院招生处副主任Cayetana Aranzadi说,"我们会平衡申请表、GMAT/GRE、 IE 的入学考试和正式的面试这些因素。"
Aranzadi 说 IE 也评估发展潜力: 那些每个候选人都有与生俱来的技能,我们想去发展他们,所以他/她可以成为一名有出色的有专业素养的人和 IE 的代表。
Demonstrate career progression
The University of New South Wales looks for students with a strong academic background from a good university, in an area of study that follows a logical progression towards the desired area of graduate study, says International Director Aleksandr Voninski.
"Professional experience is taken into account, as are test scores. For example, while GMAT is only required for our MBA, a high score will be of great advantage for the admission to other business programs," he adds. "Professional experience is highly regarded in areas such as design, engineering and architecture."
However, if you're looking for a change of career, chances are you want to study a subject in which you have no experience or previous education. "Certain graduate programs are designed to give students without any background in a certain field the ability to move their careers down a different path," Voninski says.
Top Tip: Make sure you read the fine print. If you miss something out of your application, you're already one step behind the other candidates who did. It all comes back to giving yourself enough time to prepare.
新南威尔士大学在学生看起来是一所具有很强的学术背景的好大学,理想的学习模式是在某一领域的研究里跟随逻辑进展,国际部主任 Aleksandr Voninski 说。
"专业经验是考虑考试成绩。例如,虽然 GMAT 只是要求我们的 MBA参加,高分数将是参加其他商业课程的极大优势,"他补充道,"专业经验则是在设计、 工程和建筑等领域进行考虑"。
但是,如果你正在寻找职业生涯的变化,你是否想要研究一个你没有经验或之前教育北京的课题。"一定的研究生课程会提供给学生,而学生没有在某一领域的任何背景Voninski 说。
重要提示: 请务必阅读细则。如果你错过了申请里的什么东西,你已经落后于其他这么做了的候选人。应该给自己足够的时间来准备。
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