学生可以以普通学生或者国际研究学生的身份进入研究生院就读。请注意东京大学研究生院的大部分课程以日语教学。所以,所有学生都应在就读之前掌握日语。有些研究生院要求日语水平高于JLPT N2。
1. 想要参加硕士或博士课程的学生需要参加东京大学入学考试。
2. 关于硕士,只有那些入校至少2年,学习并获得了每个研究生院规定的学分,并在必要的学术指导后通过论文评审和期末考试的学生才会被授予硕士学位。
3. 关于博士课程,只有那些入校至少3年,学习并获得了每个研究生院规定的学分,并在必要的学术指导后通过论文评审和期末考试的学生才会被授予博士学位。医学研究生院(不含健康科学、护理科学和国际卫生课程),兽医医学科学和农业与生命科学研究生院的博士课程,需要至少4年的出勤率。想了解更多信息,请联系你想去的研究生院。
Graduate School Admissions
At a Graduate School, students may enroll either as a regular student or an international research student. Please note that most of the lectures at University of Tokyo Graduate Schools are conducted in Japanese. Therefore, it is important that all students master Japanese before enrollment. Some Graduate Schools require a Japanese language level higher than JLPT N2.
(1) Admission Requirements (Master's or Doctoral program)
Those who wish to enroll in a Master's or Doctoral program are required to take an entrance examination conducted by The University of Tokyo.
For Master's programs, a Master's degree will be granted to those who have attended the school for at least 2 years, studied the subjects and earned the credits specified by each Graduate School, and passed the thesis review and final examinations after the requisite academic guidance.
For Doctoral programs, a Doctoral degree will be granted to those who have attended the school for at least 3 years, studied the subjects and earned the credits specified by each Graduate School, and passed the thesis review and final examinations after the requisite academic guidance. The Graduate School of Medicine (excluding Health Sciences, Nursing Science, and International Health courses), the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, and the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences consist of Doctoral programs that require a minimum of 4 years of attendance. For further information, please contact the Graduate School you wish to attend.
(2) Enrollment as Postgraduate International Research Students
International research students belong to a special category for those who wish to engage in research activities in specialized fields at a University of Tokyo Graduate School. No degrees or qualifications are awarded to postgraduate research students after the completion of a research term.
Qualifications for Applying : Qualified applicants are non-Japanese nationals who have academic abilities equal to those of qualified applicants for regular Master's programs or Doctoral programs at University of Tokyo Graduate Schools. However, qualifications may vary depending on the Graduate School. For details, please contact the Graduate School you wish to attend.