It is important to plan your finances in advance. You should have an idea about how much things may cost you when you move to Southampton to start your university course. Here you can find helpful information that will assist you to budget and plan ahead.
Tuition feesTuition fees vary depending on the course and level of study and are between ?10,820 and ?25,500 for the academic year 2011/12:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate taught | Postgraduate research | |
Classroom | ?10,820 | ?11,440 | ?11,440 |
Laboratory | ?13,840 | ?14,460 | ?16,120 |
Clinical | ?25,500 | - | - |
From 2012, the UK government will introduce new funding arrangements for higher education and our fees structure will change. These changes will affect students from the UK and European union only. They will not affect International students from outside the EU.
International tuition fees for the academic year 2012/13 are:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate taught | Postgraduate research | |
Classroom | ?11,600 | ?12,500 | ?12,500 |
Laboratory | ?14,800 | ?15,800 | ?17,400 |
Clinical | ?27,600 | - | - |
1 semester: ?5,720; 2 semester: ?11,440
英国留学 南安普顿大学国际学生学费新沙巴体育投注