体育管理的英文名是sports management
接下来我以旧金山大学University of San Francisco (USF)为例,给大家介绍一下体育管理是怎样的一个专业。
旧金山大学提供学位为:M.A. in Sport Management 体育管理文学硕士。
学位课程详细信息:The Master's Program is designed to facilitate management and marketing skills that lead to long term professional growth in an interlinked and expanding sports marketplace that includes professional, intercollegiate, and recreational sports and the wide variety of private and public organizations that promote and organize fitness and health programs.
旧金山大学的M.A. in Sport Management课程在旧金山大学文理学院下面。
Managing Sport in a Dynamic Environment (3)
Leadership and Critical Thinking in Sport Management (3)
Sport Law (2)
Sport Economics & Finance (3)
Sport Business Research Methods (3)
Strategic Management and Human Resources in Sport (3)
Accounting and Budgeting in Sport (3)
Internship in Sport Mgmt (4)
Business Development and Sales in Sport (3)
Sport Marketing (3)
Master's Project (4)
Global Sport Management Immersion Week (2)
Entrepreneurial Brand Bldg (2)
Sponsorship Activation (2)
Social Media in Sports (2)
Strategic Communications and PR (2)
Sport, Society, and Culture (2)
Marketing a Professional Team (2)
Event Management & Marketing (2)
Special Topics in Sport Management (2)
Dir Reading/Research (1 - 3) Sport Management
截止日期:9.1 Spring/2.1Fall
在沙巴体育官网::职业体育俱乐部如:Golden State Warriors/ San Jose Sharks/San Francisco Giants等; 一级联盟大学体育部如:Stanford大学体育部:橄榄球、篮球Berkeley大学体育部:橄榄球、篮球;体育联盟办公室WCC沙巴体育官网:西海岸大学体育联盟/PAC-12联盟;体育营销代理公司PIVOT marketing agency/IMG San Francisco;体育金融服务Wells Fargo金融部(体育方向)/Citi Bank客户部; 体育科技 Google/Facebook/ GoPro
Bowling Green State University
Florida State University
Georgia Southern University
Indiana State University
Minnesota State University
Temple University
U.S. Sports Academy
University of Alabama
University of Kentucky
University of Massachusetts