Leiden Law School is currently housed in two beautifully restored historic buildings located in the old centre of Leiden. We also have facilities for teaching and research at Campus Den Haag.
At Campus Den Haag our staff works at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies and for Leiden University College.
Teaching and research
Each year more than 900 students opt to study law, notarial law, tax law or criminology in Leiden. To maintain the quality of our teaching, a numerus fixus applies for tax law or criminology. The total number of Bachelor and Master students is around 5200. In addition, each year around 500 to 600 foreign students come to Leiden, ranging from exchange students studying for one semester in Leiden to students who already have a law degree and have now been selected for one of our eleven Advanced master programmes.
Naturally, the main focus of the faculty’s teaching is the legal system in the Netherlands. After all, this is where many of the faculty alumni will pursue their career – often in prominent positions, for example within the judicial system, local or national government or the legal profession. The faculty continues to gear its study programmes towards developments in the employment market. In recent years new master programmes have been launched in the areas of financial law, labour law and – unique in the Netherlands – child law. A great deal of the faculty research is also directly relevant to professional practice. In this way, Leiden gives substance to its social responsibility.
International focus
But Leiden Law School has also always had a strong international focus. We have a long tradition in the study of international and European law. The first chair in International Tax Law was established in Leiden. More than 100 years ago, Van Vollenhoven studied the adat law system of the Dutch East Indies, and to this day the faculty remains concerned with the law and governance of developing countries. For more than 50 years, in collaboration with Columbia University (US) every two years the faculty organises a summer school on American law. Students are encouraged to spend part of their degree studies abroad. And similarly, many foreign studies find their way to Leiden where they find a wide range of English-taught courses.
莱顿大学法学院同时对国际投以极大的关注。学院在国际法和欧洲法研究领域有悠久的传统。国际税法最先便在莱顿大学创立。100多年前,Van Vollenhoven 研究了 荷属东印度群岛的亚达特法,而今,法学院对发展中国家法律和管理仍保持有关注。法学院和沙巴体育官网:哥伦比亚大学合作已有50多年,每隔一年学院就会组织暑期学校学习沙巴体育官网:法律。作为学位学习的一部分,学院鼓励学生到海外学习。类似地,许多国外学生也来这里学习诸多以英语授课的课程。
To facilitate international collaboration, not only does Leiden Law School have more than 60 exchange agreements, it also participates in various networks including the Strategic Alliance of Research Faculties of Law (SARFaL) and the League of European Research Universities (LERU).
为了方便国家合作,莱顿大学法学院不仅达成了超过60个交换协议,而且参加了包括法学院研究战略联盟、 欧洲研究型大学联盟在内的多个组织。
The faculty has around 450 employees, academic and administrative staff. More than 325 of these are involved in teaching. Together they make Leiden Law School what it is today: a faculty driven by its research and enriched by its teaching.