Undergraduate Course
Eligibility for Application
The applicant should be a national of a country other than Japan (excluding permanent resident of Japan), and should fulfill all of the following requirements.
(1) Applicants should correspond to either of the following
A person who has completed or is expected to have completed 12 years of school education abroad by the end of March 2017, or a person who is recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to have completed the equivalent level of education
A person who has completed or is expected to have received the International Baccalaureate diploma offered by International Baccalaureate Organization, a foundation in accordance with Swiss Civil Code, and will reach the age of 18 by March 31, 2017
A person who has completed or is expected to have received the Abitur diploma, which is approved as the eligibility for university admission in the states of the Federal Republic of Germany, and will reach the age of 18 by March 31, 2017
A person who has completed or is expected to have received the Baccalaureate diploma, which is approved as the eligibility for university admission in the French Republic, and will reach the age of 18 by March 31, 2017
(2) Applicants should have a score for the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) conducted by the Japan Student Services Organization from exam taken in 2015 or 2016. (Applicants to the School of Pharmacy and the School of Pharmaceutical Science are exempted.)
Note: After admission, international students are required to obtain the status of residence (in principle "College Student") provided for in the Appended Table I of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. It is possible to be admitted and to enroll using another status of residence for long-term stay. However, in that case you will not be eligible for scholarships for College Students. Moreover, you may not enroll at the university using a short-term visa.
- 在2017年3月份之前已经完成或者将要完成12年的国外学校教育的学生;或者是获得日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术认可的已经完成等同教育学历水平的学生;
- 已经获得或者将要获得国际文凭课程组织(符合瑞士民法典的一个组织)提供的国际中学毕业会考文凭,并且在2017年3月31日之前将会年满18岁;
- 已经获得或者将要获得德国高中毕业文凭,并且被德国认为是具备大学入学资格的学生,在2017年3月31日之前将会年满18岁;
- 已经获得或者将要获得法国高中毕业文凭,并且被法国认为是具备大学入学资格的学生,在2017年3月31日之前将会年满18岁;
Requirement for Application
For the School of Mechanical Engineering, the applicant must have the total score of over 60% in the designated subject of The Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students.
To Check Your Eligibility
If you wish to check your eligibility prior to making application, please submit documents that list your education background (start from entry to elementary school) including your name, birth date and nationality, certificate of graduation (or plan to graduate) from a school that is equivalent to a senior high school in Japan, and your academic transcript.
Also, if any of the above documents are provided in a language other than Japanese or English, it must be accompanied by a Japanese translation.
[Submit the documents to the Entrance Exam Section, Admissions Division, Student Affairs Department, Kanazawa University, Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192 JAPAN]
* The Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) | |
Application period | February (1st), July (2nd)) |
Test date | June (1st), November (2nd) |
Location of test | In Japan: Hokkaido, Miyagi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Ishikawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka,Hyogo, Okayama, Fukuoka,Okinawa Overseas:17 sites |
* 国际学生日本大学招生考试(EJU) | |
申请时间 | 2月(第一次), 7月(第二次) |
考试时间 | 6月(第一次), 11月(第二次) |
考试地点 |
在日本: 北海道、宫城县、群马县、琦玉县、千叶、东京、神奈川、石川县、静冈、爱知、京都、大阪、兵库县、冈山、福冈、冲绳;海外:17个考试中心 |
Application Procedures
(1) Request for Application Form
The brochure with the application form is available in late- September of the year before the year of admission. A written request for the brochure should be addressed to the Admission Division of the Student Affairs Department. Enclose a selfaddressed (name, address, postal code), stamped return envelope (Approx. 33cm×24cm) with your request. If you are a resident of Japan, the postage is 300 yen. If you need a guidebook for Kanazawa University, the postage is 350 yen. Cleary write “Request for Application Form for Self-financed Foreign Students” in red ink on the front of the envelope.
Application forms cannnot be sent to international address. When reqesting application forms from overseas, please arrange a proxy who is residing in Japan to make the request on your behalf.
(2) How to apply
Application materials should be sent by mail to the Admission Division, Student Affairs Department (Refer to "For Inquiries") within the specified application period. Use the envelope attached to the application brochure, and circle "Self-financed Foreign Students" on the front of the envelope in red ink.
2、 如何申请
Selection Method
The National Center Test for University Admissions wil be waived, and the selection will be based on the results of Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students 2015 or 2016, academic record and submitted documents. The criteria will differ from that of Japanese applicants.
The application will be null if the applicant does not undertake the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students and all other examinations required by the applicable College/School.
Awarding of Academic Degrees
The bachelor’s degree will be awarded to students who successfully graduate from the University.