加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)是加州大学的一个重要分校,也是沙巴体育官网:顶级的公立学校。在2017的国际权威排名QS世界大学排名中,洛杉矶分校排在第31位,非常值得想去沙巴体育官网:求学的学生们争取。那么,在2017-2018 学年,加州大学洛杉矶分校的费用是多少呢?欢迎和出国留学网一起了解。
A standardized set of budgets is used as the basis for determining the cost of attendance at UCLA. The figures shown below for university fees, health insurance and non-resident fee are fixed amounts. All other components are averages gathered from the Cost of Attendance Survey administered by the University of California, Office of the President (UCOP). The survey is conducted every three years and results are updated annually based on inflation for non-surveyed years. We recommend that all students prepare a budget to help them manage their expenses and spend their financial aid wisely.
The budgets vary depending on the student’s living arrangements while in school, with different figures depending on whether the student lives at home with relatives, on-campus (residence halls), or off-campus (apartment, sororities, fraternities). A cost of attendance budget is initially assigned based on the housing option selected on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (DREAM) until the housing status is confirmed by the student and the Financial Aid and Scholarships office.
The cost of attendance is used to determine the maximum amount of financial aid a student can receive for the academic year.
Decisions on residence status for tuition purposes are made by the UCLA Campus Residence Deputy.
Students should be aware that part of the calculations used to determine their aid are based on whether they elected to live on-campus, off-campus or with family. Students who change their housing choice will have their aid recalculated, and may have their grant aid reduced if their new housing choice has a lower total cost than the one they originally selected.
2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Budgets2017-2018
Undergraduate | Graduate | |
University Fees | $13,254 | N/A |
Room & Meals | $15,441 | N/A |
(see on-campus options) | ||
Books & Supplies | $1,173 | N/A |
Transportation | $420 | N/A |
Personal | $1,431 | N/A |
Health Insurance | $2,472 | N/A |
Total | $34,191 | N/A |
Non-Resident: Add | $28,014 |
本科生 | 研究生 | |
大学费 | 13,254美元 | N/A |
房间费和伙食费 | 15,441 美元 | N/A |
书费和供应品费 | 1,173 美元 | N/A |
交通费 | 420 美元 | N/A |
个人费 | 1,431 美元 | N/A |
医疗保险费 | 2,472 美元 | N/A |
总计 | 34,191 美元 | N/A |
非居民增加的费用 | 28,014 美元 |
Undergraduate | Graduate | |
University Fees | $13,254 | $13,020 |
Room & Meals | $13,206 | $17,793 |
Books & Supplies | $ 1,173 | $1,287 |
Transportation | $ 843 | $1,371 |
Personal | $1,635 | $ 2,217 |
Health Insurance | $2,472 | $ 3,642 |
Loan Fees | $ 738 | |
Continuing Student Total | $32,583 | $40,068 |
Document Fee | $80 | |
Entering Student Total | $32,583 | $40,148 |
Non-Resident: Add | $28,014 | $15,102 |
本科生 | 研究生 | |
大学费 | 13,254美元 | 13,020美元 |
房间费和伙食费 | 13,206美元 | 17,793美元 |
书费和供应品费 | 1,173美元 | 1,287美元 |
交通费 | 843美元 | 1,371美元 |
个人费 | 1,635美元 | 2,217美元 |
医疗保险费 | 2,472美元 | 3,642美元 |
贷款费 | 738美元 | |
继续生费用总计 | 32,583美元 | 40,068美元 |
文件费 | 80美元 | |
新生费用总计 | 32,583美元 | 40,148美元 |
非居民增加的费用 | 28,014美元 | 15,102美元 |
Undergraduate | Graduate | |
University Fees | $13,254 | $13,020 |
Room & Meals | $6,132 | $9,204 |
Books & Supplies | $1,173 | $1,287 |
Transportation | $1,431 | $1,578 |
Personal | $1,563 | $1,821 |
Health Insurance | $2,472 | $3,642 |
Loan Fees | $738 | |
Continuing Student Total | 26,025 | $31,290 |
Document Fee | $80 | |
Entering Student Total | $26,025 | $31,370 |
Non-Resident: Add | $28,014 | $15,102 |
本科生 | 研究生 | |
大学费 | 13,254美元 | 13,020美元 |
房间费和伙食费 | 6,132美元 | 9,204美元 |
书费和供应品费 | 1,173美元 | 1,287美元 |
交通费 | 1,431美元 | 1,578美元 |
个人费 | 1,563美元 | 1,821美元 |
医疗保险费 | 2,472美元 | 3,642美元 |
贷款费 | 738美元 | |
继续生费用总计 | 26,025美元 | 31,290美元 |
文件费 | 80美元 | |
新生费用总计 | 26,025美元 | 31,370美元 |
非居民增加的费用 | 28,014美元 | 15,102美元 |