University of Regina is One of Canada’s top 10 comprehensive universities.
Support is our strength: From the moment we meet you and your family, until the moment you find employment after graduation, we provide personalized services to encourage and assist in your academic and career needs.
State of the art facilities: Come and discover our new campus. It is modern, clean and convenient.
The U of R is a global community: We are large enough to host students from over 90 countries, yet small enough to give you a more personalized and focused academic experience. You can get to know your professors and faculty members. The student to faculty ratio is 20:1.We Also have many associations that you can get involved with.
Success for life: Regina is your home away from home! It is safe, affordable and provides a high standard of living. Saskatchewan has an immigration nomination program that is faster than national program and is open to University of Regina graduates.
Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships and Awards
Here are some answers to common questions about scholarships and awards:
1. How do I find out what scholarships and awards are offered at the University of Regina?
Anyone can browse the entire awards inventory on SAMS (Student Award Management System) to see every scholarship, award and bursary offered.
2. What is SAMS?
SAMS is the new online Student Awards Management System. You can use SAMS two ways:
Public search page: Visit SAMS and log-in as a guest! Anyone can browse the entire awards inventory, see award values, eligibility criteria and application deadlines without creating a log-in account.
Secure log in page: U of R students can register to use the secure SAMS site to see their own academic information, apply online for awards, and see a summary of past awards received.
3. What awards am I eligible for?
Every award has different requirements. Some are based on your program of study while others look at activities and financial need. You review the criteria for all awards online then apply for as many as you feel qualified for. Just make sure you highlight how you meet the criteria for the awards you are applying for.
4. I'm an international student, what awards are available to me?
As an international student, you are eligible for all University of Regina awards, except those that require Canadian citizenship or permanent residency. As long as you meet all the eligibility criteria of an award, you are eligible to be considered for it.
5. How do I apply for awards?
You are encouraged to apply using the online application on SAMS (hyperlink to the secure page). Applying online ensures that all your information is correct and will speed up the selection process. If needed, paper applications can be found in the Forms section of our website. Students only need to apply once, either online or using a paper application.
你可以在学生奖励管理系统( SAMS )中浏览到完整的奖励清单,查看学校提供的每项奖学金和助学金。
6. When do I have to apply for awards?
The deadline to apply will vary for each award. Application deadlines are advertised for each award. Please see the Deadlines section of our website for the application deadlines for each award competition.
7. How and when do I get my money for the award(s) I have received?
All awards are applied directly to your student account with the University of Regina and will reduce the amount of fees owing to the University. The timing will depend on when you were notified of your award. There are some awards that will have the payment made directly to you. Student Awards and Financial Aid will notify you at the time the award is offered.
If you have been offered an award for a future term, you will typically receive your money after the add/drop date for classes has passed and before the end of the penalty-free period for payments. If you have been offered an award in the middle of a term for the current term, the funds will be applied to your account as soon as the offer is made.
For example, you are notified in June that you are receiving an award in the upcoming Fall semester. The award will be applied to your account at the end of September. If you are notified in October that you have received an award for the fall semester, this amount swill be applied to your account immediately.
If there are no fees owing on your student account, you can contact Financial Services to receive a refund or you can leave the funds on your account for a future term.
8. What happens to my award if I am on a co-op work term?
Students who are on a co-op work term are still eligible to apply for and receive awards each semester. In most cases, the funds will be applied to your student account as soon as you are selected to receive an award.
9. I already paid my tuition, how do I get my money?
If you have already paid your tuition and have been offered an award, you can contact Financial Services to request a refund.
10. What happens if I drop a course?
The letter you received about your award outlines the requirements you need to meet to keep your scholarship. If you drop a course, you may lose your scholarship and be required to pay it back to the university. Prior to making any changes to your registration, please ensure you are aware of the impact.
11. What happens if my program changes?
Sometimes a change in your program can impact scholarships you have been offered. If you have been offered a scholarship in a specific program or faculty for a future term, but then you change your program, you may no longer be eligible for the scholarship.
12. Who do I talk to about Athletic awards I am expecting to receive?
If you are expecting to receive Athletic awards but have not yet been notified by our office, please contact either your coach or the Athletics office.
13. How do external scholarships get applied to my student account?
External scholarships that are sent to the University of Regina are applied directly to your student account by Financial Services. Once the scholarship is applied to your account, it will reduce the amount of fees owing. If there are no fees owing you can request a refund from Financial Services.
14. I received a Centennial Merit Scholarship or a Centennial Merit Plus Scholarship. What happens if my final high school average is different from my early conditional admission average?
If you final high school average is higher and puts you into a higher award bracket, we will send you a letter (starting in the middle of August) informing you that we have increased your scholarship offer. If your final high school average is lower, any previous scholarship offers will not be affected.
15. How are the values of the Academic Gold and Academic Silver Scholarships determined
The Academic Gold and Academic Silver scholarship values will vary from year to year depending on the budget available and the number of eligible students. Students will be notified by the end of July if they are to receive this award and the value.
16. Why do I only get transcript mention for the Academic Gold or Academic Silver Prize? Why can't I get the money for the scholarship?
Unless you are returning to undergraduate studies at the University of Regina in the Fall or Winter semesters, you will receive a mention of the Academic Gold Prize or Academic Silver Prize on your transcript. These scholarships are a retention tool and the money is applied directly against undergraduate tuition and fees.
17. What is the deadline for the President's Medal application?
The President's Medal is awarded at each Spring and Fall convocation. Applications are available approximately one month before the end of the term. Each faculty sets its own internal deadline, so you should check with your faculty office to find out the deadline for your area.
18. I'm applying for an external scholarship that requires an endorsement from the University of Regina. What is the process I need to follow?
If an external award requires that the University of Regina endorse the applicants, please contact the Student Awards and Financial Aid office to find out the process for that particular award.