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2017-07-14 18:24


【 liuxue86.com - 留学申请条件 】



  Some schools invite applicants to a series of on-campus interviews ,while some gives phone interviews as the final step in the screening process. Some schools don't conduct interviews, but if they do and you're invited, you'll know that things are going well. Essentially, the school is telling you: "Look, we like you on paper. But we want to meet you in person to make sure that your marbles are in order before making a decision." Therefore,it's mean,” Your grad school interview can make or break your application”.

  可见,能拿到面试的同学背景条件应该都非常不错,已经通过了初选 ,而接下来便是“成也面试,败也面试”了。


  Unlike the rest of the graduate admissions process, interviews don't follow a rule book. You won't really know what to expect, but there is something we do know: There are three features the faculties are looking for:

  Your answer

  How well you can organize your thinking

  How well you express yourself


  一、 Your Answer:

  Your answer是面试中的核心部分,所以基本上大家都会在面试前会向学长学姐取经,逛论坛等尽可能的整理出question list,毕竟Preparing will help you look like less of a dunce.


  ① "Tell Me About Yourself"

  This open-ended question has the potential to cause you to trip and plummet into a bottomless chasm. With spikes on the bottom. So don't take this four word question lightly. A strong answer establishes your status as a talented, motivated, and intriguing individual at the personal, academic, and extracurricular levels. You could start by explaining where you're from, where you grew up, and any interesting personal circumstances. Then talk about your undergraduate university, what you majored and minored in, and why you made those choices. Finally, close by talking about your extracurricular achievements – both in school and outside. Everything you say should build toward the idea that your life has naturally led you to apply to graduate school. Your answer should be a concise, one to two minute response, demonstrating your ability to synthesize and structure your thoughts.

  ② "Why Are You interested in This Field?"

  If you haven't figured this out in your personal statement, you should go back to the drawing board. Basically, restate what you've written in your personal statement, but go deeper and broader. By deeper, we mean explaining in more detail those factors and motivations that you mentioned in your personal statement. By broader, we mean all the stuff you couldn't fit in the statement. A good answer shows both depth and breadth. If we had to pick one, we'd say to focus on breadth and let the interviewer guide you on what topics to go into more depth.

  ③ "Why Are You Interested in Our School?"

  Why not? List all the reasons why the school is the single most perfect choice for the field that you're studying. Discuss its faculty, facilities, theoretical approach, course offering, student activities, job placement record, location, and any and all reasons that demonstrate a deliberate choice on your part. Your goal is convey your belief that the school is a highly compelling choice for you, if not your first choice.

  ④ "What Are You Going to Research?"

  You might be thinking, "How the hell am I supposed to know?" And, frankly, this is somewhat of an unfair question. The faculty is not so much interested in a precise answer as much as they are in establishing your interest level, that you have an understanding of the discipline, and have formed some preliminary ideas. You can disclose that your ideas are preliminary (it's mature), but be sure to have one or two ideas for what you could research, and why. Explain what you might want to prove and how it would contribute to the treatment of that topic in your field.

  ⑤ "What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?"

  Nobody likes answering this question, but it comes up. Describing your strengths should be straightforward. Pick two or three qualities that you possess and which are relevant to your field. For example, if you're applying to an engineering program, you might discuss your advanced knowledge of math, creative mind, and detail-orientation, backing each claim with examples. Talking about your weaknesses is another story. The general rule is to pick weaknesses that are really "weaknesses turning into strengths". You might say, for instance, that you only earned "Bs" in math, but that you earned an "A" in your last semester after deciding to do something about it. Or that you're not assertive enough, but have been practicing speaking up in recent months and are getting better at it.

  ⑥ "Why Should We Accept You?"

  Why not? Describe in modest and balanced terms why you are eminently qualified for the program. Talk about your personal, academic, and extracurricular accomplishments and how they make you a strong candidate for the program. Discuss your long range plans and how you will make full use of the university's resources to accomplish your goals. While may sound selfish, you're really telling the school that they won't be wasting an admissions spot with you.

  ⑦ "What Are Your Career Goals?"

  You might not have a clue, but it's important to have a preliminary idea of your career goals. Perhaps you want to become a professor, or use your graduate degree to conduct advanced work in another type of organization. Whatever the case, sketch your plans and make it clear how the program that you're applying to is an integral stepping stone. It's okay to have more than one career goal, so long as your goals are all relevant and show that you're planning to apply the knowledge you'll acquire. Whatever you say, don't say you want to make money.

  ⑧ "Where Else Are You Applying?"

  This is a delicate question. If you answer, you're admitting that you're interested in more than one school. If you don't, you risk coming across as defensive and combative. One way to deal with this question is to say that you've applied to a few other schools whose programs correspond with your research interests, career goals, and other criteria. But that their school is really an excellent fit and that you'd love to be considered for the entering class. This is somewhat evasive, but doesn't force a direct comparison between their school and other schools. Another option is to disclose everything, particularly if you have other offers. This shows that you're an attractive candidate and it may help you get admitted. Which approach to take is up to you.

  ⑨ "What Have You Read Recently?"

  Don't answer the latest New York Times Bestseller. The interviewer is a faculty member who is interested in establishing your intellectual quality and curiosity. Ideally, your library will consist of books and academic journals packed with articles from the same field to which you're applying. This demonstrates that your interest is genuine, maybe even indicative of a passion. You can also mention wider reading, to show that you're well rounded, but start with material that's closer to your interviewer's heart.

  ⑩ "What Questions Do You Have For Me?"

  You're almost guaranteed to have this in your grad school interview questions. So prepare a list of five or more questions. The best questions demonstrate that you've research your field and the school's faculty members in depth. For example, you can ask the interviewer to talk more about his or her research: "I read your article on _______, which is a topic that corresponds with my own interests, can you tell me more about it?" You can also discuss specific aspects of the school's department, facilities, courses, or other peculiarities that show that you're a serious applicant. So have your own list of grad school interview questions in your back pocket.

  2. How well you can organize your thinking


  ① 听清面试官的问题再回答

  整个面试过程中要注意聆听,认真理解面试官的问题后再作答,如果觉得没听清,一定要再问清楚(do you mind saying it again? or are you asking me....)。很多人有误区,觉得没听懂,让面试官再解释会对结果有不好的影响,其实没听懂,答非所问浪费对方时间才更容易留下不好的印象。

  ② 学会使用1st, 2nd, 3rd

  语音沟通的特点注定使得面试者在回答问题的时候难免会让对方听着没有逻辑,或没有结构。学会用 1st, 2nd, 3rd 来组织你的答案,比如:I would like to answer this question from three aspects, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 这样面试官比较容易抓住你回答的要点。


  比如面试教授的实验室的一个研究方向是白血病的靶向治疗,你就可以说 I am confident that I will be able to make contributions and add values to the team immediately for three reasons:

  1st, my previous clinical rotational experience in hematology allowed me to…..;

  2nd, technical skills and knowledge that I developed from my research projects on xxx can be easily applied/transferred to your proposed project;

  3rd, my previous cross-functional work experience will allow me to team up with others and get into my role rapidly。

  ③ 学会听关键词,串进去你自己准备好的答案


  ④ 控制好回答时间

  要控制回答每个问题的时间,在回答中注意观察面试官的肢体语言,如果对方表现出些许不耐烦,就应该尽快收尾;如果对方有想要提问的表现,就一定要停顿,问是否有问题要问,或者 Do you want me to elaborate on this?

  3.How well you express yourself


  ① 面试的理想状态是感觉像聊天


  在面试的对话中,60%是情绪,40%是内容,所以如果能做好沙巴体育官网:那种smile talk ,把幽默展示出来,对你的录取是非常有效的。当然如果缺乏幽默感的同学只要自信大方地回答出问题就好,不要刻意幽默,成了“强撩”。

  ② 第一印象很重要


  ③ 利用自我介绍hold住全场


  比如可以先说 I would like to go through my resume in three-fold: 1st, medical school study; 2nd, clinical experience at xx hospital; 3rd, research work on xx project. 然后再展开介绍每段经历。


  ④ 对自己的简历一定要了如指掌

  很多时候,面试者都会就你简历中的经历来问问题,所以一定要做到非常熟悉简历的每一处细节。如何回答类似问题,切记回答你的每一个经历都要表达一个完整的故事,就是在回答每一个点的时候都尽量能够表达「STAR」 故事,即简单扼要涵盖背景、职责、执行和结果四个方面,而不是单纯的罗列事实,我做过这个做过那个。

  这其中以执行和结果尤为重要。在回答的时候要突出你在整个课题中的角色,更重要的是要提到你所做的产生的意义/价值,还是用简历帖子里的那个例子,当你说你做了什么的时候,「collected blood samples for assays.....」后面就可以接 leading to two publications in peer reviewed journals or contributing to grant/fund approval。





  With my clinical and research experience and strong knowledge in this field, I believe I am a good match to this program and truly look forward to having the opp to add values to your team as well as advance my understanding of ....... So do you mind me asking when I should be expecting to hear from you?



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