特拉华大学(University of Delaware)位于特拉华州的纽瓦克市,是沙巴体育官网:一所古老的公立研究型大学,也是"公立常青藤"院校之一。特拉华大学的费用明细是怎么样的呢?来看看出国留学网的介绍吧。
Undergraduate Mandatory Fees (Per Semester)
All full-time undergraduate students are responsible for mandatory fees in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Fee | Full-Time (12+ Credits) | Part-Time (1-11 Credits) | Description |
New Student Orientation | $145 | N/A | A one-time mandatory charge for new undergraduate students, the New Student Orientation fee supports the costs of New Student Orientation (NSO) and the Math Placement Exam (required of all new students). Please note that all new undergraduate students are required to pay this fee whether or not they were able to attend NSO. |
Student Comprehensive | $299 | N/A | The Comprehensive fee is charged to all undergraduate and CEND students during the regular semesters and to all students during the Winter and Summer Sessions. This fee supports the student fitness center, recreational programs, student activities, concerts, performing arts, and the activities of registered student organizations. |
Student Health Services | $227 | N/A (unless opted in) | The Student Health fee is charged to all full-time students, entitling them to use the Student Health and Counseling Centers. Part-time, matriculated students can contact the Student Health Center to activate their eligibility to use these services and have the fee charged to their student account, or they may use the facilities on a fee-for-service basis. This fee is NOT health insurance, does not replace the requirement to be insured, and cannot be waived because of existing health insurance coverage. |
Student Center | $119 | N/A | The Student Center fee covers amortization of bonds used in the construction of the Trabant University Center and in renovations to the Perkins Student Center. It also supports the operating costs of these student centers. |
Registration | N/A | $30 | This is a mandatory fee charged to all undergraduate and CEND students during the regular semesters and to all students during the Winter and Summer Sessions. This fee supports the student fitness center, recreational programs, student activities, concerts, performing arts, and the activities of registered student organizations. |
International Student Service | $160 | $160 | This fee is mandatory for international students and supports services provided by the Office of International Students and Scholars. |
UD Health Plan | $915
- Fall | $915
- Fall | Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for all full-time undergraduate students. Provided by University Health Plans (UHP), UD offers a health plan to eligible students and charges full-time enrollees for this plan. Students with existing qualifying health insurance coverage can waive the UD coverage and the subsequent fee. Part-time students are eligible to enroll and pay premiums to UHP directly. |
费用 | 全日制(12及12个以上学分) | 在职 (1到11 个学分) | 描述 |
新生指导 | 145美元 | 不适用 | 一次性向本科新生收取的强制费,新生指导费用于支持新生指导和数学分级考试(所有新生都要考)。请注意,所有本科新生无论是否有能力在特拉华大学就读都需要交新生指导费 |
学生综合 | 299美元 | 不适用 | 综合费在常规学期向所有本科生和CEND学生收取,在冬季学期和夏季学期向所有学生收取。综合费用于支持学生健身中心、娱乐项目、学生活动、演唱会、艺术表演和学生组织活动 |
学生健康服务 | 227美元 | 不适用 (除非选择) | 学生健康费向所有全日制学生收取,以便学生能使用学生健康和咨询中心的服务。在职的被录取的学生可联系学生健康中心,激活资格以使用这些服务(服务费从学生账户扣除),或者他们也可以在付费的基础上使用服务。学生健康费不是健康保险,不能取代投保要求,也不能因为已经购买健康保险而被免除 |
学生中心 | 119美元 | 不适用 | 学生中心费涵盖债券摊销,用于特拉贝特大学中心的建设和柏金斯学生中心的翻新。也用于支持这些学生中心的运作 |
注册 | 不适用 | 30美元 | 注册费属于强制性费用,在常规学期向所有本科生和CEND学生收取,在冬季学期和夏季学期向所有学生收取。注册费用于支持学生健身中心、娱乐项目、学生活动、演唱会、艺术表演和学生组织活动 |
国际生服务 | 160美元 | 160美元 | 国际生服务费属于强制性费用,向国际生收取,用于支持国际学生和学者办公室提供的服务 |
特拉华大学保健计划 | 915美元
- 秋; | 915美元 - 秋;1080美元 - 春(如果注册) | 健康保险是对所有全日制本科生强制要求的。保健计划由大学保健计划提供,特拉华大学为合格学生提供保健计划,向参与计划的全日制学生收费。已购买健康保险的学生可以免除学校的健康保险和后续的费用。在职学生也可以注册,直接向大学保健计划支付保险费 |
Miscellaneous Fees
Other fees charged to students for various activities or services.
Fee | Fee Amount | Description |
Admission Application | $75 | Charged to all undergraduate and graduate students applying for admission to the University of Delaware |
Application for Advanced Degree | $95 - Doctoral Candidates $50 Master’s Candidates | Charged to all graduate students who have met the requirements of their graduate degree program |
Application for Undergraduate Readmission | $40 | Charged to students who were previously enrolled in a degree program at UD and wish to return to the University after an absence of 15 months or more, as well as those who have already earned a degree from UD |
Blue Hen Helpers | $25 | Discounted early move-in fee charged for Blue Hen Helpers (formerly referred to as the Arrival Survival Team) who are the group of volunteers who help new students move their luggage and other belongings into residence halls on New Student Check-In Day. |
Carpenter Sports | $100 - family $50 - individual | Charged during Fall and Spring Semesters to part-time graduate and continuing education students who choose to utilize the facilities at the Carpenter Sports Building |
Change of Registration | $25 | Charged, in addition to tuition, to students who make changes to their registration after the free drop/add period |
Credit by Exam | $75 per credit hour | Charged to all students who attempt to test out of University courses by passing an exam |
Disciplinary Restitution | Based on cost | Charged to cover costs associated with disciplinary action incurred by Facilities, University Police, and Grounds departments. |
Flex Deficit Charge | Determined by usage | Charged to any student whose Flex account spending exceeds available funds in the Flex account |
General | $15 | Charged to students registered for summer session (fee is per session) |
Graduation | $50 - Master’s $95 - Doctoral | Charged to candidates for advanced degrees who must file an Application for Advanced Degree with the Office of Graduate and Professional Education |
ID Replacement | $25 | Required of all ID card replacements |
Installment Plan | $50 | Fee per semester for enrollment in the Installment Payment Plan, a four-installment payment option offered in Fall and Spring Semesters |
Installment Penalty | $25 | Late fee charged for late or inadequate installment payments |
Late Payment | $55 | Late fee charged to students who have not financially cleared their student account after the payment deadline and each month there remains an open balance and no installment plan enrollment |
Library Fine | Determined by Library fee structure | Fines assessed for late or non-returned books or other library materials |
Parking Fine | Determined by Parking Services’ fee structure | Fines assessed to students who violate University parking policy or fail to display their parking permit |
Recreation | $25 | Charged during Fall and Spring Semesters and Winter and Summer Sessions to undergraduate and continuing education students (full or part-time) who are not charged the mandatory comprehensive fee and who choose to utilize the facilities at the Carpenter Sports Building |
Registration (Summer/Winter) | $30 | Charged for registration in each optional term (Winter, Summer I, Summer II) |
Reinstatement | $100 | Assessed to students who are cancelled for a semester and then granted reinstatement |
Residence Hall Breaks Early/Late Stay | Variable | See Residence Life & Housing for additional information and directions on how to sign up to check in early, stay over break, or check out late. |
Residence Hall Excessive Cleaning/Damage | Variable | Charged to students who live on campus whose rooms and/or shared living areas incur damage |
Residence Hall Key and Core Change | $80
(Regular) / | Charged to all students who require a key core change |
Residence Hall Late Cancellation | $200 | Charged to students who cancel their application or request a release from the housing agreement after the deadline, per the Student Housing Contract |
Residence Hall Late Check Out | $150 | Charged to any student who does not check out of the halls at breaks or semester closing by the posted closing time |
Returned Check | $25 | Fee assessed for each check of ACH returned by the University’s bank after being presented to the payee’s institution |
Student Conduct Administrative | Determined by Student Conduct | Charged to students referred to the Office of Student Conduce for case processing |
Test Credit | $15 | Charged to undergraduate students who transfer high school credit (AP) courses to UD |
Transcript | $7
(regular request) / | Charged to any student requesting an official copy of their UD transcript |
Transfer Credit | $75 | Charged to any student who takes a course, for academic credit, at another institution and then transfers that credit to UD |
费用 | 数额 | 描述 |
入学申请 | 75美元 | 向所有申请入读特拉华大学的本科生和研究生收取 |
高级学位申请 | 95美元 - 博士候选人; 50美元- 硕士候选人 | 向收取已经满足研究生学位课程要求的研究生收取 |
本科重新入学申请 | 40美元 | 向先前注册特拉华大学学位课程并且在离校十五个月或更长时间之后有意返校的学生收取,以及向已经拿到特拉华学位的学生收取 |
蓝母鸡助手 | 25美元 | 先期入住打折费,由蓝母鸡助手(之前叫“抵达生存团队”)收取,后者是一个志愿团,帮助新生在入住日将行李和物品搬到宿舍 |
木匠体育 | 100美元 - 家庭; 50美元 - 个人 | 在秋季学期和春季学期向选择使用“木匠体育建筑”设施的在职生和继续教育生收取 |
变更注册 | 25美元 | 在学费以外另外收取,向在免费退课或增课日期之后变更注册的学生收取 |
考试学分 | 每学分75美元 | 向所有试图通过考试免修课程的学生收取 |
纪律撤销 | 以成本为基础 | 收取以涵盖设施使用、大学政策和各部门纪律处分费用 |
Flex 不足额收费 | 由使用请决定 | 向所有Flex账户开销超过账户余额的学生收取 |
一般费用 | 15美元 | 向注册夏季学期的学生收取(按每学期计算) |
毕业费 | 50美元 - 硕士;95美元 - 博士 | 向必须向研究生和职业教育办公室递交高级学位申请的高级学位候选人收取 |
学生证更换 | 25美元 | 所有学生证更换都收费 |
分期计划 | 50美元 | 分期付款计划每学期的注册费。分期付款计划是秋季学期和春季学期提供的一个四期支付计划 |
分期罚款 | 25美元 | 分期付款退出或付款额不足收取的滞纳金 |
滞纳金 | 55美元 | 向在付款截止时间之后没有付清学生账户欠款并且在此之后每个月存在未结余额且没有注册分期付款计划的学生收取 |
图书馆罚款 | 由图书馆收费结构决定 | 向晚归还或未归还的书籍或者其他图书馆资料收取 |
停车罚款 | 由停车服务收费结构决定 | 向违反大学停车政策或者未能出示停车站的学生收取 |
Recreation | 25美元 | 在秋季、春季、冬季和夏季学期收取,向全日制或在职本科生和继续教育生收取,只要他们没有被收取强制性综合费并且选择使用“木匠体育建筑”设施 |
注册 (夏季/冬季) | 30美元 | 向每个选择性学期(冬季学期、夏季学期1、夏季学期2)的注册收取 |
恢复 | 100美元 | 向被取消学期然后获得恢复的学生收取 |
宿舍提前入住/延期居住 | 不固定 | 参见学校网站的“宿舍生活和住房”了解新沙巴体育投注,以提前入住、假期留住和退出退房方面的说明 |
宿舍清洁/损坏 | 不固定 | 向自己房间和/或公共居住区有损坏的住校生收取 |
宿舍钥匙和锁芯更换 | 80
美元(常规) / | 向所有要求换锁芯的学生收取 |
宿舍晚取消 | 200美元 | 根据学生住房协议,向截止时间之后取消申请或者要求住房协议豁免的学生收取 |
宿舍晚退房 | 150美元 | 向所有在公布的封闭日期临近之时没有登记退房的学生收取 |
返还支票 | 25美元 | 向被出示给收款人机构之后又由大学银行返还的所有支票收取 |
学生行为管理 | 由学生行为决定 | 向在办案中被移交给学生行为办公室的学生收取 |
学分评估 | 15美元 | 向转高中学分课程到特拉华大学的本科生收取 |
成绩单 | 7
(常规请求) / | 向任何要求开具特拉华大学官方成绩单的学生收取 |
转学分 | 75美元 | 向任何在其他学校学习学分课程,然后将学分转到特拉华大学的学生收取 |