布朗大学(Brown University)位于沙巴体育官网:罗德岛州普罗维登斯市,是常春藤盟校之一,也是沙巴体育官网:一所顶尖的私立综合大学。布朗大学研究生院提供51门博士课程和31门硕士课程,供前去留学的同学学习。布朗大学2017-2018学年度的研究生费用是怎样的呢?来看看出国留学网的介绍吧。
Brown University's Graduate School offers 51 doctoral programs and 31 master’s programs, including those of the School of Engineering, the School of Public Health, and the School of Professional Studies.
Brown has a friendly scale and collaborative culture. With 2,400 graduate students and more than 700 full-time faculty members, Brown offers excellent academic training and mentoring within a supportive environment.
Explore the fields of study offered and Brown's distinctive training opportunities. If you are interested in an academic program, please feel free to contact that program’s Director of Graduate Study. Application deadlines vary by program.
Is it for you? Brown students are distinguished by academic excellence, self-direction and a collaborative style of learning. Faculty members pursue their own research and scholarship while remaining deeply committed to teaching both graduate and undergraduate students. Learn more about the environment, student accomplishments and opportunities.
The University prepares graduate students for distinguished careers in research, teaching and as experts in the public and private sectors.
The decision to pursue graduate study represents a significant commitment of time, energy, and resources — yours and ours.
Students who are admitted to any of Brown's doctoral programs are guaranteed five years of support, including a stipend, tuition remission, health-services fee, and health-insurance subsidy.
Financial aid for master’s students is not centrally managed and varies among programs; the majority of students enrolled in master’s programs and engaged in non-degree study are self-supported. If you are interested in a master’s program and have questions about financial aid, please contact the program’s director of graduate study.
Students’ official letters of admission provide details of their funding packages. All subsequent funding decisions are made at the program level and depend on students' academic progress. Students with funding questions or concerns should contact the program's director of graduate study.
Tuition (full-time students): $52,231.
Per course tuition is $6,528.75 in the Fall and $6,529 in the Spring.
Health Services Fee: $850
Health Insurance Fee: $3,615
Student Activity Fee: $60
Student Recreation Fee: $64
9 months: $22,095
12 months: $29,460
First semester: August 1
Second semester: January 1
每门课的学费秋季和春季分别为6,528.75 美元和6,529 美元。
Brown University tuition for regular full-time students in the 2017-2018 academic year is $52,231. For Ph.D. students, a full-time student is someone registered for three or more courses per semester. For master's students, full-time status depends on the structure of the program (e.g. in some semesters of some programs a two-course load is considered full-time). Master's students are responsible for knowing the structure of their program and structuring their course work accordingly in consultation with their DGS. Students cannot necessarily assume that the cost for part-time matriculation is based on the number of courses taken. Students contemplating a part-time course load should consult with the Registrar to determine potential financial ramifications of a part-time course load.
In addition to the financial considerations of part-time status, students need to consider two other issues. First, two courses per semester is usually enough to maintain eligibility for student loan deferrals on any existing student loans. However, students with existing loans should confirm with their specific loan agreements before opting out of full-time status. Second, international students must have full-time status in all semesters except the last semester in order to maintain a lawful immigration status.
Tuition-Unit Requirements for the Master's Degree: Master's degree students must pay tuition for a minimum of eight tuition units. Some programs require more than eight tuition units to complete the requirements to earn the master's degree.
Tuition-Unit Requirements for the Ph.D.: While actively enrolled, all Ph.D. students must pay tuition at the full-time rate. The minimum tuition requirement to receive a degree is the equivalent of three years of full-time study. Students within the five year guarantee period will be charged tuition at the full-time rate but will receive a full tuition scholarship. Students on external funding within the five year guarantee will receive supplemental funding to cover tuition and fees. Students in humanities and social science programs beyond the five year guarantee may seek a tuition scholarship via either the dissertation completion or dissertation extension process. (The academic program must submit the request.) After the residency requirement has been met, Ph.D. students may continue to enroll in additional course work and receive academic credit.
Transfer Credit: The University grants a limited amount of tuition credit for related graduate work done at other institutions. See the Graduate School Handbook for details on allowable transfer credit.
Tuition and Funding: Full-time students holding appointments such as teaching and research assistants and proctors may take no more than three courses per semester, and are considered full-time students. For more information on tuition regulations, please consult the Office of the Registrar.
Tuition-Unit Credit versus Academic Credit: In order to receive academic credit, tuition must be paid in full. Tuition credit, however, remains even if the student fails a course or does not register for as many courses as were paid for. See the Graduate School Handbook for complete details of the relationship between tuition-unit credit and academic credit.
Dissertation Filing Fee: Students who are inactive and returning from an approved leave of absence solely for the purpose of defending and filing the dissertation or thesis, and who meet the conditions established by the Graduate School shall, for the semester in which the dissertation or thesis is submitted, be charged a filing fee of $150. This amount does not include the $50 dissertation handling fee. Refer to additional dissertation information for details.
Readmission Fee: Students on leave seeking to return to active status in their program must pay a readmission fee of 3.125% of annual tuition, in addition to the tuition charge appropriate for their status in the program. For the 2017-18 academic year, the readmission fee is $1,633. Students who re-enroll either after a medical leave or after a leave approved by the Dean of the Graduate School for care of a newborn child or a newly adopted child, or for other extraordinary circumstances, will not be charged a readmission fee. Students experiencing financial hardship should contact Associate Dean Shayna Kessel to request a fee waiver.
Health Services Fee: Students should make every effort to address health problems through University Health Services before consulting with a private physician. Full-time students are billed for a University Health Services fee, which totals $850 for 2017-18, and covers usage of this facility and its services during the academic year. Fully supported doctoral students do not need to pay the Health Services Fee for the fall and spring semesters. University Health Services charges a separate fee for summer coverage; all students on campus during the summer are individually responsible for the fee.
Health Insurance Fee: An insurance fee of $3,615 is charged for annual coverage (student only) for 2017-18, beginning on August 15 and ending on the following August 15.
Late Registration and Course-Change Fees: Consult the Office of the Registrar for course-related information.
Student Activity Fee: All graduate students are required to pay a student activity fee of $60 for the academic year of 2017-18.
Student Recreation Fee: All Brown University students are required to pay a recreation fee of $64 for the academic year. The fee covers access to all recreational and fitness facilities and entrance to athletic events. It does not cover intramural team participation or physical education classes.
Deadlines: Payment of tuition and fees is due by August 1 for the first semester, and by January 1 for the second semester. Students are responsible for paying their fees on time. The bill for fall semester charges will be mailed during the summer, so students moving to Providence at that time should make sure the bill is sent to an address where they will be sure to receive it in time to make the necessary payments. All accounts must be settled with the bursar before students will receive their degrees.