University of Manchester at a glance
The University of Manchester enjoys a reputation for pioneering research and innovation, which vitalise our undergraduate courses and postgraduate programmes, and introduce you to the latest thinking in your chosen field.
Part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities, with outstanding facilities and the widest range of courses, we are highly respected across the globe as a centre of teaching excellence.
The University of Manchester is a truly global institution, with a reputation for education and innovation that resonates across the world.
We offer world-leading programmes across a wide range of disciplines. Our graduates excel in industry, academia, government, business and financial services.
The nine Schools that make up the Faculty of Science and Engineering all have a strong reputation for teaching and learning, and for producing employable graduates. Our programmes are designed to provide flexibility of choice and are continually revised to reflect new development in each subject area allowing you to work at the cutting edge of science.
International businesses, charities, governments and universities turn to Manchester for our expertise. Whether it’s leading the European renaissance in industrial biotechnology or helping to train midwives in developing countries, we provide the spark for positive change.
Our research engages with the world’s biggest questions – that’s why we bring together the best people in these fields to help us to find the answers. We’ve a history of attracting world-leading minds to work with us, from Niels Bohr and Arthur Lewis to our latest Nobel laureates Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov, whose pioneering work with the one-atom thick wonder material graphene has established Manchester not just as the centre of research into its application.
More international students study with us than at any other UK university, with 160 nationalities coming together on campus, making us one of the world's most international universities. We work closely with overseas agents and foundation course providers, and tour the world to meet prospective students face to face. Offering outstanding English language support and orientation programmes, as well as courses and careers advice designed with employability in mind, we’re a springboard for tomorrow’s leaders. And our teaching goes beyond our campus – our range of postgraduate distance-learning courses and MOOCs enable a global audience to benefit from a Manchester education.
Our history
Manchester was the world’s first modern industrial city. The history of the University is entwined with the history of our city and region.
The University of Manchester, in its present form, was created in 2004 by the amalgamation of the Victoria University of Manchester and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). After 100 hundred years of working closely together both institutions agreed to form a single university, and on 22 October 2004 they officially combined to form the largest single-site university in the UK.
Each has an innovative and inspiring history which we continue to build on, through ground-breaking research and as a centre of educational excellence.
History of Victoria University of Manchester
The Victoria University of Manchester developed out of Owens College, which was founded in 1851, and from 1872 incorporated the Royal School of Medicine and Surgery, which had been formed in 1824 as a medical school owned by doctors.
Owens College was created by a legacy of ?96,942 left in 1846 by the wealthy industrialist, John Owens, to found a college for education on non-sectarian lines. It opened in 1851 in a house on Quay Street in central Manchester. Its first few years were difficult; the only English precedent for a modern university college was in London, and most Manchester merchants saw little value in the education on offer. They preferred that their sons join the family business as soon as possible.
From the 1860s the College found a new vision. Its leading professors looked to German universities that stressed the creation of knowledge, not simply its transmission. For them, research was the key ingredient of a university; it advanced knowledge and was a potential source of material benefits. It also gave students the experience of facing the unknown and of finding out for themselves. This would become true for humanities as well as for the sciences, and a college education came to be valued as the normal preparation for the professions. By 1870 the college had grown to need new premises and building started on the current Oxford Road site.
History of UMIST
The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) can trace its origins to the Manchester Mechanics' Institution, founded in 1824 as part of a national movement for the education of working men.
The Mechanics' Institution was formed by industrialists who thought that artisans should learn basic sciences at evening classes. Its first building was near St Peter’s Square. At times the Institute struggled because students had little basic education; primary schooling was not made compulsory in England until 1870. Artisans worked long hours and many saw little advantage in science studies. The institution’s more general classes often proved more useful to young office workers and shopkeepers seeking to improve their literacy and numeracy.
Growth was sufficient to need a new building, opened in 1853 on Princess Street, but it was in the later decades of the century that pressure for technical education increased, fuelled by fears that Britain might lose its leading position as an industrial nation. In Manchester it was a self-taught ex-shoemaker, John Henry Reynolds, who transmuted national and local concerns into a successful programme of classes. He focused on subjects that served the industrial needs of the Manchester region and in 1883 he converted the Mechanics' Institute into the Manchester Technical School.
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health was formed in 2016 by bringing together the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences.
This new, integrated structure enables us to deliver a truly translational approach to the life sciences, ensuring smooth research pathways - from pure discovery science through to clinical application and patient care.
We develop and deliver the highest quality education and training for health professionals and life scientists in partnership with the NHS and industry, contributing to the University's tradition of innovation and improvements in the health of people around the world.
We are the largest supplier of healthcare graduates to the NHS in the north-west of England, producing highly-trained and skilled professionals who are increasingly sought-after by employers across the health industry.
We also conduct outstanding, world-leading research in the biological, medical and health sciences across eight research themes and take our social responsibility to make a contribution to the 'greater good' seriously.
We were ranked 4th out of 44 in the UK for research power in the biological sciences in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), and our research in the areas of the allied health professions, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy was also judged to be excellent.
The integration of discovery biology, clinical application and patient care within a single Faculty, particularly in a region with notable health inequality, provides us with a real opportunity to have a very significant and positive impact on people's lives.
The Faculty in numbers
11,000 students.3,200 staf. ?122 million in annual research income.over 30 undergraduate courses.approximately 90 postgraduate taught courses.
School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
A world leader in research and teaching; providing a home to interdisciplinary chemical and biochemical science and engineering in most areas of contemporary research.
School of Chemistry
Study Chemistry at Manchester and you will meet, work with and be taught by internationally acclaimed chemists in a building that was recently boosted by a ?30 million refurbishment programme.
School of Computer Science
Our learning environment supports students with no previous computing experience, but also challenges those already familiar with the subject. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to prepare you for a career shaping the future.
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Science
We are committed to innovation in teaching methods and to an exciting and wide-ranging series of degree courses. All Single Honour Degrees are accredited by the Geological Society of London.
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Our programmes provide a comprehensive foundation in the core topics of Electrical and Electronic Engineering coupled with an area of specialism relevant to emerging engineering challenges.
School of Materials
We offer a comprehensive range of degree courses covering the whole spectrum of Materials Science, Engineering and Design Management. Many of our degree courses can be taken with industrial experience.
School of Mathematics
We have the largest cohort of mathematics undergraduates in the UK and offer a comprehensive range of degree programmes and modules, including the new degree in Actuarial Science and Mathematics.
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
We offer a wide variety of courses that reflect the diversity of modern Aerospace, Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Our programmes provide a high level of proficiency and practice, great for careers in industry and for postgraduate study.
School of Physics and Astronomy
The School of Physics & Astronomy has a long tradition of excellence, including 11 Nobel Prize winners, most recently Sir Andre Geim and Sir Kostya Novoselov for their work on graphene.
约瑟夫·汤姆孙(Joseph John Thomson),1897年约瑟夫·汤姆孙发现电子也是亚原子粒子而为人所知,并在科学圈内引起了轰动,并最终于1906年被授予诺贝尔物理学奖。
威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格(William Lawrence Bragg),因为发现了关于X射线衍射的布拉格定律,1915年与其父威廉·亨利·布拉格一同获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
尼尔斯·玻尔(Niels Bohr),由于“对原子结构以及从原子发射出的辐射的研究”,荣获1922年诺贝尔物理学奖。
查尔斯·威尔逊(Charles Thomson Rees Wilson),因发明云室而与康普顿同获1927年诺贝尔物理学奖。
詹姆斯·查德威克(James Chadwick),因发现中子而获得1935年诺贝尔物理学奖。
汉斯·贝特(Hans Bethe),因在1938年解释了为什么恒星能够在长时间里向外释放如此之多的能量而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
帕特里克·布莱克特(Patrick Blackett),曾任英国皇家学会会长,由于改进威尔逊云室方法及在核物理和宇宙线领域的发现,获得1948年诺贝尔物理学奖。
约翰·考克饶夫(John Douglas Cockcroft),因利用人工加速的亚原子粒子进行原子核嬗变的开创性工作而获得1951年诺贝尔物理学奖。
内维尔·莫特(Nevill Francis Mott),因为对磁性和无序体系电子结构的基础性理论研究,与菲利普·安德森、约翰·凡扶累克共同荣获1977年诺贝尔物理学奖。
安德烈·海姆(Andre Geim),因为“在二维石墨烯材料的开创性实验”而与其学生康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫一同获2010年诺贝尔物理学奖。
康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫(Konstantin Novoselov),因为“在二维石墨烯材料的开创性实验”而与其教师安德烈·海姆一同获得2010年诺贝尔物理学奖。
阿瑟·哈登(Arthur Harden),1929年与汉斯·冯·奥伊勒-切尔平因对糖类的发酵以及发酵酶的研究获得诺贝尔化学奖。
沃尔特·霍沃思(Walter Norman Haworth),因在碳水化合物和维生素上的研究,获1937年诺贝尔化学奖。
乔治·德海韦西(George Charles de Hevesy),因“在化学过程研究中使用同位素作为示踪物”,获1943年诺贝尔化学奖。
罗伯特·鲁宾逊(Robert Robinson),因对植物生物碱的研究,获得1947年诺贝尔化学奖。
亚历山大·罗伯图斯·托德(Alexander Robertus Todd),曾任英国皇家学会会长,被称为近代核酸化学的前驱,主要成就是对核甙、核甙酸的研究,弄清了核甙酸的结构和组成,首先合成了人体内几种重要核甙酸单体,也为核酸的"双股螺旋体"结构的胡定打下了良好的基础,因而荣获1957年诺贝尔化学奖。
梅尔文·卡尔文(Melvin Calvin),因与安德鲁·本森和詹姆士·巴沙姆发现卡尔文循环(或称卡尔文本森循环)而声名显著,1961年获诺贝尔化学奖。
约翰·查尔斯·波拉尼(John Charles Polanyi),因对化学动力学的研究,获得1986年诺贝尔化学奖。
迈克尔·史密斯(Michael Smith),1993年因开发了对DNA特定位置进行定点诱变法而获诺贝尔化学奖。
阿奇博尔德·希尔(Archibald Vivian Hill),因其在肌肉发热方面的研究,与德国科学家迈耶霍夫一起获得了1922年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
约翰·E·苏尔斯顿(John E. Sulston),因发现器官发育和细胞程序性细胞死亡的遗传调控机理,与悉尼·布伦纳、H·罗伯特·霍维茨一起获得2002年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
约翰·希克斯(John Richard Hicks),因其在一般均衡理论和福利经济学理论上的贡献而与肯尼斯·约瑟夫·阿罗一起获得1972年的诺贝尔经济学奖。
威廉·阿瑟·刘易斯(William Arthur Lewis),因为其于发展经济学上的贡献而闻名,获得1979年诺贝尔经济学奖,他也是第一位拿到非和平奖的诺贝尔奖的黑人。
约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Eugene Stiglitz),曾任世界银行资深副总裁与首席经济学家,和迈克尔·斯宾塞、乔治·阿克尔洛夫由于在“对充满不对称信息市场进行分析”领域所做出的重要贡献,而分享2001年诺贝尔经济学奖。