The Eberhard Karls Universit?t Tübingen is one of Europe’s oldest universities. Several hundred years of history in the sciences and humanities have been written here.
The University's history began in 1477, when Count Eberhard “the Bearded” of Württemberg founded the University. In Tübingen’s historical center there is hardly a building or a square that is not linked to a renowned scholar. Tübingen notables include Hegel, H?lderlin and Schelling, M?rike and Uhland, Johannes Kepler and Wilhelm Schickard.
Tübingen today remains a place of research and teaching. In addition to the nearly 85,500 inhabitants, there are some 28,300 German and international students. Some 4,500 academic staff teach at the University’s seven faculties.
The latest chapter of the University’s history is marked by its success in the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Initiative. One Graduate School, one Excellence Cluster and the University’s Institutional Strategy were successful in the major funding program – also making Tübingen one of Germany’s eleven universities in the top “Excellent” class. Tübingen is also home to eight collaborative research centers, is involved in five transregional collaborative research centers, and hosts six research training groups – all sponsored by the German Research Foundation. The University specializes in a number of innovative fields of research: Neuroscience, Clinical Imaging, Translational Immunology and Cancer Research, Microbiology and Infection Research, Molecular Biology of Plants, Environmental and Geoscience, Astro- and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Physics and Nanotechnology, Archaeology and Anthropology, Language and Cognition, Education and the Media. The excellence of our research helps create optimal conditions for students from all over the world. Research-oriented learning is a particular strength of Tübingen study programs, thanks to the close links between research and teaching.
Teaching at the University of Tübingen reflects the broad, interdisciplinary spectrum of its research. More than 280 courses are on offer. The University is open to the international exchange of academics and students.
The University has partnerships with more than 150 educational institutions in 62 countries, particularly in North America, Asia and Latin America, as well as with all the countries in Europe. Some 18.9 percent of students in Tübingen come from abroad, and many of the University’s German students pursue part of their studies in another country.
Founded in 1477, the University of Tübingen is one of the best-renowned research universities in Europe and a prime location for academic studies and research. A full range of disciplines and a high standard of research, both in sciences and humanities, contribute to its international reputation. Its outstanding schools and departments are consistently ranked among Germany's best. The University's academic reputation is determined by the research achievements of more than 400 professors and about 2000 academic staff. At their disposal is not only the latest technical equipment, but also extensive library facilities. The latest results of scientific research flow directly into the University's curriculum, thus guaranteeing an up-to-date education. Today 23,000 students ' many of whom are international students are enrolled in approximately 60 courses of instruction. The University offers a wide range of cross-disciplinary events and sponsors many cultural highlights in the city.
Faculties: Protestant Theology, Catholic Theology, Law, Economics and Business Administration, Medicine, Philosophy and History, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Modern Languages, Cultural Sciences, Mathematics and Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Biology, Geosciences, Psychology and Computer Science.
faculity staff and students (by QS)
Number of academic faculty staff | Number of students | Number of international students | |||
In total | 3844 | In total | 27366 | In total | 3860 |
International | 796 | Postgraduate | 56% | Postgraduate | 57% |
Undergraduate | 44% | Undergraduate | 43% |
专业教员人数 | 学生人数 | 国际学生人数 | |||
总共 | 3844 | 总共 | 27366 | 总共 | 3860 |
国际教员 | 796 | 研究生占比 | 56% | 研究生占比 | 57% |
本科生占比 | 44% | 本科生占比 | 43% |
时间 | 事件 |
1477 | 最初神学系、法律系、医学系、哲学系四个系建立 |
1635/36 | 新教神学学院成立 |
1817 | 经济与社会科学系创立 |
1863 | 德国大学第一个自然科学系创立 |
1979 | 学生人数首次超过20000人 |
1990 | 计算机科学系的成立。同年,国际科学与人文伦理道德中心(IZEW)成立 |
1999 | 植物分子生物学中心(ZMBP)成立 |
2000 | 赫蒂临床大脑研究中心的成立 |
2007 | 维尔纳瑞查特综合神经科学研究中心入选德国卓越计划精英研究集群 |
2012 | 入选德国卓越计划精英大学 |