Primary education personal statement
I have chosen the courses listed because I feel that these will benefit me most in my goal to become a primary school teacher.
After experiencing the BA (Hons.) Performance: Theatre at Saint Johns College, York, I decided it was not the course I wanted to do, and that a Primary Education degree would be a better preparation for teaching rather than a one year PGCE course. I have always held aspirations to become a teacher, specifically in the primary sector. Since 1999, I have held voluntary work experience placements at Holbrook Primary School, amounting to two and a half terms work in total.
After withdrawing from York, I decided to take the opportunity to extend my experience in schools on a voluntary basis at a local Special School (Beacon Hill Special School, Ipswich). This resulted in my being offered a full-time paid position as a Special Support Assistant. I have found myself inspired by the challenge of encouraging these young people to realise their potential and this has further cemented my decision to become a teacher.
I have a particular interest in drama. During High School I was a member of the Wolsey Youth Theatre in Ipswich. This involved me in various productions; The Railway Children, Watership Down, A Christmas Carol, and Roald Dahls Boy. I also participated in High School productions. I think that these skills are very important, because I have already found that drama can be a useful educational tool, especially in the early stages of learning.
I have completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, which I found a great challenge, but very rewarding. I also hold Grade 5 in Trombone, Grade 1 cornet, and Award 6 in trampolining.
以上就是英国教育学ps(个人陈述)范文,此外,小编提醒,英国教育学申请条件要求还是非常严格,最好在在国内有本科教育学相关专业背景,或者相关教学经验。对英语的要求相对较高,雅思6.5 -7分。TESOL一般要求申请者有两年以上英语教学工作经验。
英国教育学就业方向:普通高校、中小学校、 特殊教育机构、外语培训机构、出版社、报社、新技术教育领域