UK grew from the vision of one man, John Bowman. In 1865, after winning financial support through the federal Morrill Land-Grant College Act and private donations, Bowman saw the realization of his dream with the opening of the state's new Agricultural and Mechanical College. The college was renamed the University of Kentucky in 1916. The University of Kentucky will be one of the nation's 20 best public research universities, an institution recognized world-wide for excellence in teaching, research, and service and a catalyst for intellectual, social, cultural, and economic development. The University of Kentucky is a public, research-extensive, land grant university dedicated to enriching people's lives through excellence in teaching, research, and service. The University of Kentucky: Facilitates learning, informed by scholarship and research. Expands knowledge through research, scholarship and creative activity. Serves a global community by disseminating, sharing and applying knowledge. The University, as the flagship institution, plays a critical leadership role for the Commonwealth by promoting human and economic development that improves lives within Kentucky's borders and beyond. The University models a diverse community characterized by fairness and social justice.
Faculty staff and students (by QS)
Number of academic faculty staff | Number of students | Number of international students | |||
In total | 1926 | In total | 27625 | In total | 1584 |
International | 257 | Postgraduate | 22% | Postgraduate | 58% |
Undergraduate | 78% | Undergraduate | 42% |
专业教员人数 | 学生人数 | 国际学生人数 | |||
总共 | 1926 | 总共 | 27625 | 总共 | 1584 |
国际教员 | 257 | 研究生占比 | 22% | 研究生占比 | 58% |
本科生占比 | 78% | 本科生占比 | 42% |
1858年位于Georgetown的培根学院改名为Kentucky University,迁至Harrodsburg,但不久在南北战争中毁于战火。1865年校园被毁的Kentucky University与财政遇到困难的特兰西瓦尼亚大学合并,校名仍然为Kentucky Univeristy,校园则迁至特兰西瓦尼亚大学所在的莱克星顿。在Morrill政府特许地学院法案的资助下(该法案规定每个州可以从联邦政府得到30000英亩的土地,用于建立教授军事,工程与农学的学院),肯塔基大学农业和机械学院成立。1869年该学院授予第一个学位,同年詹姆斯·肯尼迪·佩特森出任校长。1878年由于指导思想不和,学校分裂,一部分保留Kentucky University的名字,后来改回原名特兰西瓦尼亚大学,另一部分于1879年改名为肯塔基农业和机械学院,莱克星顿市为其提供额外资助,并捐赠了52英亩的土地(肯塔基大学校园的中心部分),即今肯塔基大学的前身。1880年学校开设师范学院,开始招收女学生,但女生没有获得学位的资格。1888年才第一次授予女性学位。1904年第一座女生宿舍楼Patterson Hall建成,这也是中心校园之外的第一座建筑。住在这里的学生需要穿越一片积水的湿地(即学生活动中心)才能到教室上课。Patterson Hall后被翻新,成为肯塔基大学现存最老的学生宿舍。1908年学校改名为州立肯塔基大学。1910年担任四十年校长职务的James Kennedy Patterson退休。1916年学校改名为肯塔基大学。1949年黑人学生Lyman T. Johnson胜诉,得以进入研究生院就读。1954年起肯塔基大学废除对学生入学的种族要求。
The University of Kentucky (UK), founded in 1865, is a public land grant university dedicated to improving people’s lives through excellence in education, research and creative work, service and healthcare. As Kentucky’s flagship institution, UK plays a critical leadership role by promoting diversity, inclusion, economic development and human well-being. A diverse student body of 28,000, representing 117 countries, are studying in more than 100 undergraduate degree programs, more than 90 master’s programs and more than 90 doctoral programs in 16 academic and professional colleges – all on one centrally located campus. UK is pound to be one of the top 300 academic institutions in the world, and to offer its students more than 25 nationally ranked programs in the Top 20. Campus life at UK is never dull and provides countless ways to get involved and make new friends. With over 400 student organizations you’ll be sure to find a club, organization or volunteer opportunity that will enable you to explore your interests, while having fun. There are also frequent on-campus events such as live performances and sporting events. As a leading research university, there are over 70 centers for research, providing ample opportuntity to aid or participate.