Since 1791, the University of Vermont has worked to move humankind forward. Today, UVM is a Public Ivy and top 100 research university of a perfect size, large enough to offer a breadth of ideas, resources, and opportunities, yet small enough to enable close faculty-student mentorship across all levels of study, from bachelor’s to M.D. programs. Here, students’ educational experience and activities are enriched by our location — from the energy and innovation of Burlington, Vermont, to the forests, farms, and independent spirit of Vermont. UVM provides students endless ways to explore the world, challenge ideas, and dig in on the most pressing issues of our time.
At UVM, we think big and inspire others to do the same. Our academic program combines faculty-student relationships most commonly found in a small liberal arts college with the resources of a major research institution. The university is home to 9,958 undergraduates, 1,371 graduate students, 459 medical students and 1,364 full- and part-time faculty. Located in Burlington, Vermont (America's #1 College Town -- Travel + Leisure), UVM's setting on the shores of Lake Champlain, between the Adirondack and the Green mountain ranges, gives a mountaintop perspective of all that's possible -- and offers the tools you will need to get there. We offers 100 bachelor's programs, 46 master's programs, 21 doctoral programs, an M.D. program and four pre-professional options (pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-vet, pre-law). Undergraduate students focus their studies in one of our seven colleges and schools. In addition, the Honors College offers an academically heightened environment for some of the university's most outstanding undergraduates. The Graduate College administers all graduate programs while the College of Medicine is one of the oldest and most respected medical schools in the nation.
在佛蒙特大学,我们大胆地思考,并鼓励学生大胆地思考。我们的专业课程不仅有小型文科学院常见的教师—学生指导,也有佛蒙特大学这所重要的研究型大学应有的资源。学校有本科生 9,958 人,研究生1,371 人,医学生459人,全职和非全职教员1,364 人。佛蒙特位于佛蒙特州的伯灵顿市,伯灵顿是沙巴体育官网:排名第一的旅游娱乐大学城。佛蒙特大学坐落在尚普兰湖畔,两边是阿迪朗达克和葱郁的绿色山脉,可以俯瞰周围的一切,并有便利的交通到达。学校有学士计划100个,硕士计划46个,博士计划21个。另有医学博士计划和医学预科、牙医预科、兽医学预科和法律预科等四个预科选择。本科生主要在七个学院学习。荣誉学院针对学校的最拔尖的本科生,有优质的学术环境。研究生院负责管理和执行所有研究生计划。医学院则是沙巴体育官网:开设最早、最受敬重的同类学院之一。
Faculty staff and students (by QS)
In total | 1422 | In total | 12100 | In total | 805 |
International | 31 | Postgraduate | 13% | Postgraduate | 16% |
Undergraduate | 87% | Undergraduate | 84% |
专业教员人数 | 学生人数 | 国际学生人数 | |||
总共 | 1422 | 总共 | 12100 | 总共 | 805 |
国际教员 | 31 | 研究生占比 | 13% | 研究生占比 | 16% |
本科生占比 | 87% | 本科生占比 | 84% |
Chartered in 1791
Chartered the same year that Vermont became the 14th state.
Established as the fifth college in New England (after Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth and Brown).
The initials UVM stand for the Latin words Universitas Viridis Montis, or University of the Green Mountains. The phrase appears on the university's official seal as Universitas V. Montis.
UVM代表的是拉丁文Universitas Viridis Montis或绿山大学的缩写。UVM出现在佛蒙特大学的官方印章中。
The Early Days
Much of the initial funding and planning for the university was undertaken by Ira Allen, who is honored as UVM's founder. His statue sits on the university's main green.
The citizens of Burlington helped fund the university's first building, and, when fire destroyed it in 1824, also paid for its replacement, the Old Mill building.
The Marquis de Lafayette, a French general who became a commander in the American Revolution, laid the cornerstone for the Old Mill which still stands on University Row, along with Ira Allen Chapel, Billings Library, Williams Hall, Royall Tyler Theatre and Morrill Hall. A statue of Lafayette sits on the north end of the main green.
起初的建校计划和资金主要由 Ira Allen完成, Ira Allen也被视为佛蒙特大学的创始者。其雕像位于佛蒙特大学主果岭。
伯灵顿市民帮助筹资,建立了第一栋教学楼。1824年,教学楼被焚毁,市民再度筹资建立了Old Mill。
在沙巴体育官网:革命中担任司令的法国将军Marquis de Lafayette帮助修建了Old Mill。Old Mill至今仍屹立在University Row。主果岭北端有Marquis de Lafayette的雕像。
University's Public Status
Although it began as a private university, UVM attained quasi-public status with the passage of the Morrill Land-Grant College Act in 1862 and the addition of the State Agricultural College.
Today, the university blends the traditions of both a private and public university, drawing 13.6% (as of 2012) of its general fund from the state of Vermont.
History of Equality
Throughout its history, the University of Vermont has demonstrated its commitment to fairness and equality. It was the first American college or university with a charter plainly declaring that the "rules, regulations, and by-laws shall not tend to give preference to any religious sect or denomination whatsoever."
In addition, the university was an early advocate of both women's and African-Americans' participation in higher education. In 1871, UVM defied custom and admitted two women as students.
Four years later, it was the first American university to admit women to full membership into Phi Beta Kappa, the country's oldest collegiate academic honor society.
Likewise, in 1877, it initiated the first African-American into the society.