Wayne State University (WSU) is a public research university located in Detroit, Michigan. Founded in 1868, WSU consists of 13 schools and colleges offering nearly 350 programs to more than 27,000 graduate and undergraduate students. Wayne State University is Michigan's third-largest university and one of the 100 largest universities in the United States.The WSU main campus encompasses 203 acres (0.82 km2) linking more than 100 education and research buildings in the heart of Detroit. It also has four extension centers in the Metro Detroit area, providing access to academic courses to students throughout Southeast Michigan. WSU is also an engine in Metro Detroit's educational, cultural, and economic landscape, through efforts such as its thriving TechTown research and technology center and its partnerships with local hospitals, businesses, law firms, service organizations, and more.
The first component of the modern Wayne State University was established in 1868 as the Detroit Medical College, now the School of Medicine.In 1881, the Detroit Normal Training School was established, now known as the College of Education.Old Main Hall was built in 1896 as Central High School, which later began adding college classes in 1913. Those classes evolved into the Detroit Junior College in 1917, the Colleges of the City of Detroit with four year degrees in 1923, and incarnated today as the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Starting in 1919, David L. Mackenzie, who served a dual role as Principal of Detroit Central High School and Detroit Junior College, was officially appointed first dean of the college that he had originated in 1917. With Mackenzie at the helm, the Detroit Junior College and its successor in the Colleges of the City of Detroit grew to become the third-largest institution of higher learning in Michigan. Mackenzie served in his role as dean until his death in 1926.
现代韦恩州立大学的第一个组成部分成立于1868年,现为医学院底特律医学院。1881年,底特律师范学校成立,现在被称为教育学院。旧主要大厅建于1896年,是中央高中,后来于1913年开始增设大学课程。1917年,底特律初级学院,1923年底特律市立大学四年制学院,今天化身为在自由艺术与科学学院。从1919年开始,担任底特律中央高中和底特律大学校长双重角色的David L. Mackenzie被正式任命为第一任院长他的起源于1917年。随着麦肯齐掌舵,底特律初级学院及其底特律市立大学的继任者成长为密歇根州第三大高等教育机构。麦肯齐担任院长,直到1926年去世。
2015年,韦恩州立大学颁发了Viola Liuzzo的第一个遗嘱荣誉博士学位。
2015年,工商管理学院更名为Mike Ilitch商学院。这个名字因Mike和Marian Ilitch的4,000万美元赠款而得到了改变。礼物将在底特律,建立一个新的,最先进的商学院设施,计划于新沙巴体育投注:开放。