1. bach- + -el (指小后缀) + -or.
2. => 年轻的人、新手、最低级别的人、尚未交配的动物。
3. (白痴了,现在的大学生,毕业的时候都变傻了,而且毕业即意味着失恋)学士/单身汉。
4. ba(爸爸) + che(车) + l (联想高个子) + -or(表示人的后缀) => 爸爸车上那个高个子的人是个单身汉。
5. bachelor 学士/单身汉 ——白吃了
bachelor: [13] The ultimate origins of bachelor are obscure, but by the time it first turned up, in Old French bacheler (from a hypothetical Vulgar Latin *baccalāris), it meant ‘squire’ or ‘young knight in the service of an older knight’. This was the sense it had when borrowed into English, and it is preserved, in fossilized form, in knight bachelor. Subsequent semantic development was via ‘university graduate’ to, in the late 14th century, ‘unmarried man’.
A resemblance to Old Irish bachlach ‘shepherd, peasant’ (a derivative of Old Irish bachall ‘staff’, from Latin baculum, source of English bacillus and related to English bacteria) has led some to speculate that the two may be connected. English baccalaureate [17] comes via Frenchbaccalauréat or medieval Latin baccalaureātus from medieval Latin baccalaureus‘bachelor’, which was an alteration of an earlier baccalārius, perhaps owing to an association with the ‘laurels’ awarded for academic success (Latin bacca lauri meant literally ‘laurel berry’).
Bachelor Party是西方国家的一种传统 当然女生也有类似告别单身的派对叫“新娘送礼会”。
告别单身,尤指婚礼前夕为新郎举行的单身汉舞会 即将踏进爱情坟墓,将如何筹划告别单身仪式?前往牛肉店观看脱衣舞秀?还是在饭店里和脱衣舞女郎召开疯狂派对?或是什麼都不做,呆坐在家里,静候这一天的来临? 男女结婚前的心态可能大有不同。女人可能费心思考著这个人是不是我未来终生的托付,男人可能想著,再也不能玩耍了,不过,还是得趁结婚前找机会玩耍一番。 结婚前,除了筹备婚礼,忙著查阅黄道吉日,提亲等相关事宜以外,还得想想办法,举办派对,一来好好的野他个一回,告别之前单身的日子,准备会婚后稳定的两人生活做准备,二来哥们间相互加油打气,昭告天下:「我现在要结婚了,以后要去KTV,可不能再找我啊!」。 这样的派对,英文就叫做bachelor party。bachelor有著「单身汉」和「大学学士」的意思在,男性在准备结婚前,以单身汉的身分所举办的派对,理所当然称为bachelor party。
西方国家的一种传统 当然女生也有告别单身的派对
很多都是在结婚前夜 准新郎会和他的死党们一起出去狂欢 地点大多设在成人舞厅( 就是少儿不宜的场所)以此作为婚前最后一次狂欢,婚后就要规规矩矩的当丈夫了 女生派对性质也相同。
bachelor's button phr. 矢车菊
knight bachelor phr. (英国)最低勋位爵士
Bachelor of Music therapy 音乐疗法学士
Bachelor of Public Health 公共卫生学士
bachelor of science in engineering phr. 工程学学士
bachelor of arts in nursing phr. 护理学士学位
bachelor of naval science phr. 海军科学学士
yellow bachelor's button phr. 黄远志
bachelor of arts in library science phr. 图书馆科学学士
bachelorship n. 独身,学士资格
bachelorhood n. 独身,独身生活
bachelorgirl n. 经济上独立的未婚女子
bachelor's-button n. [植] 矢车菊属
bachelor's n. (=bachelor's degree)学士学位
bachelordom n. 1.独身
bachelor-at-arms n. 1.追随其他骑士的年轻骑士
bachelorism n. 独身, 独身者之怪癖
bachelorette n. 未婚女子
1. The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life.
2. It wouldn't have occurred to me to get myself a bachelor pad.
3. I'm a confirmed bachelor.
4. Distrusting women, he remained a bachelor all his life.
由于不信任女人, 他做了一辈子单身汉。
来自《现代汉英综合大词典》5. He's a confirmed bachelor.
6." according to the Regulations, there are in China three academic degrees: the bachelor' s, the master's and the doctor's degrees."
7.the girl died, Goodson remained a bachelor, and by-and-by became a soured one and a frank despiser of the human species
8.but the count, expecting my bachelor's revenue could not suffice for the coming month's outlay, has offered me a draft for twenty thousand francs
9.Qualifications include: Fluent in English, Meticulous in work, Bachelor degree required. Accounting experience a plus
10.A confirmed bachelor
11.They three get along well with one another; one is married, another is still a bachelor, and the other has a girl friend.
12.Pembroke Howard, lawyer and bachelor, aged about forty, was another old Virginian grandee with proved descent from the First Families
13.I should like you a hundred times better if, by your intervention, I could manage to remain a bachelor, even were it only for ten years."
14.I am enclosing the two application forms I have filled out, my transcripts, copies of my university graduation and bachelor degree certificates.
15." according to the Regulations, there are in China three academic degrees: the bachelor' s, the master's and the doctor's degrees."
16.the girl died, Goodson remained a bachelor, and by-and-by became a soured one and a frank despiser of the human species
17.but the count, expecting my bachelor's revenue could not suffice for the coming month's outlay, has offered me a draft for twenty thousand francs
18.Qualifications include: Fluent in English, Meticulous in work, Bachelor degree required. Accounting experience a plus
19.A confirmed bachelor
“Dear my classmate XXX,
I am very happy to know you have got Bachelor's Degree.Congratulations!This is the result that you have been working hard in study.I know your grades is very good and I believe you will make good progress in the future.I hope we can help each other and work hard together to meet new challenge and future.
Best woshes for you!
Singles is a popular entertainment at the festival for young people to celebrate their single family is still proud of ("bachelor" means is "single"). Singles produced in the campus, and through the Internet and other media communication, and gradually formed a bachelor's culture. January 1 is a small Singles, January 11 and November 1 is the Singles, and November 11 because of 4 1, so called big Singles. Singles refers to the general November 11, the big Singles. National Bureau of Statistics sample survey shows that nearly 120:100 male to female ratio at birth, highest in the world. It is estimated that by 2020, the Chinese women at the age of marriage more than men from 30 to 40 million.