Internship Tips for International Students in the U.S..Talk to the international student office about any legal regulations before you look for internships.
As an international student, network and find internships that match your career interests. If you are looking for something fun, productive and possibly lucrative to do over the summer, an internship is a very good option.As an international student, you might have to face a few hassles while looking for an internship, including preparing paperwork for the company. However, the benefits definitely outweigh the minor troubles.An internship is a wonderful opportunity to gain experience in your field of interest, save money and network. Below is some advice about what international students should do before, during and after an internship.
Contact your international student services office: There are certain rules and limitations for international students regarding off-campus internships, and your international student service officers are the best people to give you information about these matters.It might be tempting to just talk to a friend who did something similar last summer, but since the regulations may change from year to year, it is in your best interests to contact the people at your college who are professionals before you start searching for internships.Not only can they give you a good idea about what opportunities to look for that are appropriate for international students and permitted by law, but they can also tell you what kind of paperwork you will need to fill out – helping you plan better.
Know exactly what interests you: The time you spend on your internship will likely be counted toward your Optional Practical Training time, which is limited. International students can typically work at jobs related to their educational field legally for one year. Your school's international student office will definitely give you current information about this.Since you're using limited and valuable OPT time, it is in your best interest to find an internship that interests you and is something that you might continue doing after graduating. Spending your summer interning as, say, a party planner for a local resort might sound like loads of fun, but might not be appropriate if you are a physics major with no intention of doing anything even remotely related to event planning or hotel businesses.This is also why talking to the international student services office before conducting an internship search is very important, as the staff can help you figure out which internships would be most appropriate. I was a math student with a strong background in economics and business, and I found an internship in actuarial consulting, which ended up being my career.
Learn as much as possible: Interns are expected to ask questions, learn and figure out whether the job is a good fit for you and vice versa, so you should do exactly just that!Many companies have formal intern training programs, and most full-time workers are more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the job. I personally love to help train interns at my office, because teaching them also helps me review my professional knowledge and I enjoy interacting with eager college students.The business world is relationship-oriented. If a company has a good impression of you while you interned there, it is much more likely to offer you a job over a candidate who simply applied online.If you end up working full time for the company for which you interned, everything you learned during your internship will help you tremendously once you start your full-time job.
Keep in touch: I sent a thank-you note to people in the office where I interned two weeks after my internship ended, and some of the actuaries there still remember me years later, even though I no longer work with them. I am also still very close friends with someone who was a full-time employee when I was still an intern.My internship was a great opportunity for me to broaden my professional and personal network. I strongly advise you to seek one out as well – the relationships that you will establish might end up benefiting you many years down the road.
You're a hardworking, dedicated student, and each week you check in with The Scholarship Coach to learn about new scholarship opportunities. As summer approaches, you're also probably searching for internships. Fortunately, some of those opportunities also come with scholarships attached.With the slow growth of the job market adding competitive pressure on students preparing to enter the workforce, work experience can be as valuable an investment in your education as financial assistance. An internship experience in your field will help you foster new professional connections, build relationships with colleagues who can write letters of recommendation and construct a strong resume to stand out at job fairs and interviews after graduation.Explore the following opportunities to find scholarships that include internships. We know you're up to the job!
Are you a science, technology, engineering and mathematics student? NASA is looking for students in the STEM fields to fill internship and fellowship positions each semester. They offer a "One Stop Shopping Initiative" where students can search for fellowships, internships and scholarships all at the same time.They offer combined scholarship-internship opportunities for students from pre-college to graduate school. These internships last 10 weeks and are offered at NASA headquarters or a NASA center.Eager to spread your wings and study abroad? World Learning is a highly reputable organization that offers global exchange programs in conjunction with many generous scholarships for high school, college and graduate students. In some of their programs, 80 percent of students who apply will receive a scholarship to help cover the cost of their program abroad.Their diverse offerings include internships, degree and certificate programs, research projects and exchange programs, all of which address international development. The World Learning Graduate Institute has its origins as a training center for Peace Corps volunteers, and continues its commitment to empowering young leaders in global change.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers several scholarships, as well as paid and unpaid internships, to student leaders in agriculture, food science, public policy and natural resources. The USDA also offers programs specifically for empowering Hispanic students with internship and scholarship opportunities.Many schools and student organizations offer scholarships specifically for students engaged in internship experiences. The University of Virginia provides scholarship awards for third-year students in the arts and sciences who are participating in unpaid internships.Utah Valley University offers many generous scholarships for students receiving academic credit for their internship positions. These UVU scholarships are available for a wide range of interns, with specific funds reserved for students in government internships, nonprofit internships and general internships.Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society offers scholarships for members who complete an internship in Washington, D.C. Their scholarships are each $2,000 and are offered to students participating in summer and fall political science internships.These are just a few examples, so be sure to check with the counseling or career development center at your college to find out how your internships, research and work experience beyond the classroom might pay off with scholarships.Angela Frisk holds a bachelor of science degree from the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities and is a former scholarship recipient. She joined Scholarship America in 2012.
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