解剖与生理学是研究人体各 部分正常形态结构和生命活动规律的科学,它由人体解剖学和人体生理学两部分组成。和出国留学网一起来看看2018QS世界大学解剖与生理学专业排名TOP50。
新沙巴体育投注:QS世界大学解破学与生理学专业排名 | |||
排名 | 大学 | 国家 | 评分 |
1 | 牛津大学University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 98.8 |
2 | 剑桥大学University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 100 |
3 | Columbia University | United States | 96.6 |
4 | Stanford University | United States | 92.9 |
5 | McGill University | Canada | 98 |
6 | Johns Hopkins University | United States | 89.2 |
7 | 伦敦大学学院University College London | United Kingdom | 88.9 |
8 | 墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne | Australia | 87.1 |
8 | University of Toronto | Canada | 82.7 |
10 | 悉尼大学The University of Sydney | Australia | 82.1 |
11 | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | 75.1 |
12 | The University of Tokyo | Japan | 86.6 |
13 | 西澳大学The University of Western Australia | Australia | 84.7 |
14 | 澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University | Australia | 87.1 |
15 | 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | 91.7 |
16 | 伦敦国王学院King's College London | United Kingdom | 80.2 |
17 | University of Michigan | United States | 80.8 |
18 | The University of Auckland | New Zealand | 90.9 |
18 | 布里斯托大学University of Bristol | United Kingdom | 85.8 |
18 | University of Zurich | Switzerland | 83.4 |
21 | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | 87.2 |
22 | Duke University | United States | 76.5 |
23 | University of British Columbia | Canada | 77.7 |
24 | 蒙纳士大学Monash University | Australia | 78.6 |
25 | University of Pennsylvania | United States | 66.3 |
26 | University of California, Davis | United States | 71.2 |
27 | Università di Padova | Italy | 77.8 |
28 | 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | 80.4 |
29 | University of Otago | New Zealand | 78.1 |
30 | The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) | Australia | 73.9 |
31 | Baylor College of Medicine | United States | 78.8 |
31 | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | 79.5 |
33 | Peking University | China | 80.2 |
34 | Université de Montréal | Canada | 71.3 |
35 | McMaster University | Canada | 63.7 |
36 | 利兹大学University of Leeds | United Kingdom | 68.9 |
37 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | Singapore | 83.1 |
38 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München | Germany | 76.4 |
39 | University of Florida | United States | 73.6 |
40 | 阿德莱德大学University of Adelaide | Australia | 73.3 |
41 | University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) | United States | 80.3 |
42 | Pennsylvania State University | United States | 74.8 |
43 | University of Washington | United States | 62.8 |
44 | 诺丁汉大学The University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | 62.5 |
45 | Northwestern University | United States | 61.8 |
46 | KU Leuven | Belgium | 70.7 |
46 | The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | United States | 72.1 |
46 | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) | Mexico | 76.6 |
49 | The Ohio State University | United States | 70.9 |
50 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | United States | 65.9 |