The 21st Birthday
All of his life George from Cape Breton had heard stories of an amazing family tradition.It seems that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to walk on water on their 21st birthday.On that day,they'd walk across the lake to the boat club for their first legal drink.So when George's 21st birthday came around,he and his pal Corky took a boat out to the middle of the lake.George stepped out of the boat and nearly drowned! Corky just managed to pull him to safety.Furious and confused,George went to see his grandmother."Grandma, it's my 21st birthday,so why can't I walk across the lake like my father,his father,and his father before him?" Granny looked into George's eyes and said,"Because,you dumb as,your father,grandfather and great grandfather were born in January.You were born in July.”
legal 合法的
drown 淹死
furious 愤怒
生于Cape Breton的乔治自出生以来就听说了一个令人惊奇的家族轶事。他的父亲、祖父、曾祖父似乎都在他们二十一岁生日那天在水上行走。那一天,他们走过湖面,去划船俱乐部喝他们第一杯合法的酒。所以当乔治的二十一岁生日到来的时候,他和他的伙伴高尔基驾船来到河中央。乔治跨出船外,但他差一点淹死!高尔基拼命把他拉了上来。乔治感到生气和困惑,他去问他的祖母,“祖母,今天是我二十一岁的生日,但我为什么不能像父亲、祖父和曾祖父那样走过湖面呢?”祖母注视着他的眼睛说,“傻瓜,因为你的父亲,祖父和曾祖父在一月出生,而你生在七月。”
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